QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane comments on FIFO Bill

QUEENSLAND Resources Council (QRC) Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane has released a statement on the Queensland Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) Bill.

"The Queensland Government’s Strong and Sustainable Resource Communities Bill parliamentary committee report has been released this afternoon," Mr Macfarlane said.

"This Bill will add unnecessary extra red-tape to our sector’s operations, and lower the state’s competitiveness, at a time when the sector is rebounding and more jobs are coming onto the market.

"It is worth noting that of the (nearly) 50 operating coal mines in Queensland, just two were originally designed as 100 per cent FIFO mines.

"These two mines were approved as FIFO mines by the previous Labor Bligh government at a time when the sector was at its peak and there was an extreme shortage of skilled workers to fill jobs.

"However, since operations began at these two mines, both now use local contractors to service the mines and are therefore no longer 100 per cent FIFO.

"QRC is now working with the resources sector, schools and local communities to train young people with the skills needed to work in the sector through our educational and skills program the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA).

"The sector’s goal is, that in the future, this program will provide a local source of more skilled workers for mining and gas operations in Queensland."




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