QRC boss signs off at annual luncheon

THE natural resources sector must promote its economic credentials, innovation, vital link to everyday products and social licence to operate, says outgoing Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Michael Roche at its 2016 Annual Lunch today.
Addressing almost 700 people on his last day in the peak body’s top job, Mr Roche said the natural resources sector’s contribution was being taken for granted.
‘No industry sector is more fundamental to the future of Queensland than resources. Everything that is not grown comes from the natural resources sector,’ Mr Roche told the audience.
‘There is no viable substitute for coking coal in the production of blast furnace steel.
‘There is no ‘Uber’ process waiting in the wings and steel use per capita is one of the hallmarks of an advanced economy.
‘In fact all of our commodities – our alumina and bauxite, copper, gas, gold, lead, mineral sands, silver and zinc, will remain in demand while ever people want to enjoy the many facets of their everyday lives.’
Mr Roche said it was no secret that the sector had moved onto a new chapter - moving out of a record period of capital expenditure – to a phase where operational expenditure dominated.
‘However, parts of the sector are experiencing better commodity prices. Who would have thought thermal coal would be over $110/tonne and coking coal over $300/tonne, while zinc and copper are also on the comeback trail,’ Mr Roche said.
‘As the QRC Resourcing Innovation campaign illustrates, these commodities, and more, are vital components in renewable energy and related infrastructure and everything from smartphones, fridges and public transport, just to name a few.
‘Ironically, the green activists who constantly denigrate the natural resources sector, are more than happy to use all of the products for which the sector provides the vital ingredients.
Mr Roche noted that QRC has the good fortune to have the country’s longest serving Federal resources minister, Ian Macfarlane, as his successor.
‘I wish Ian him the best of luck for his time at the helm of the QRC.’

Michael Roche's speech is available at qrc.org.au/media-centre/speeches-presentations/



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