Inquiry shines light on green activists’ taxpayer subsidies - QRC

A FEDERAL report into the system of taxpayer subsidies for green activists’ activities reveals the current governance of the system needs an urgent overhaul, according to the Queensland Resources Council.

The report, from the House of Representatives Inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations, was handed down today, after launching early last year. 

Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Michael Roche, who appeared as a witness at one of the Australia-wide hearings last year, said it was high time the light was shone onto the questionable activities of some green activist groups.

‘The myriad of evidence uncovered as a result of the inquiry reveals that some green activists – not all – may have been breaching the rules of the tax system,’ Mr Roche said.

‘Our submission to the inquiry identified alleged breaches of the Tax Act under the rules governing those registered on the Register of Environmental Organisations, on which almost all of the green activist groups are registered.

‘The recommendations from the inquiry include, abolishing the Register of Environmental Organisations, and making all organisations that claim Deductible Gift Recipient Status, come under the Charities Act – a move the QRC strongly endorses.

‘Such changes would ensure any groups using taxpayer funds would have to operate under the Charities Act, which the QRC believes has much stricter governance and rules compared to the existing Register of Environmental Organisations.’

Mr Roche also welcomed the recommendation that each environmental deductible gift recipient organisation must spend at least 25 per cent of its income on actual environmental remediation work.

‘For too long some activist groups have been unfettered in diverting taxpayer subsidised donations to campaigns against sectors such as resources and to litigation to disrupt and delay resource projects,' Mr Roche said.

‘A perfect example is the Australian Conservation Foundation case against the Adani Carmichael coal mine that commenced this week in the Federal Court.’


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