Role of 'smart ICT' in the design and planning of infrastructure
A MORE CO-ORDINATED and integrated approach to the development and application of smart ICT to infrastructure is one of the key recommendations to Government in a report released today by the House of Representatives Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities.
Committee Chair, Mr John Alexander MP, said the report on the role of Smart ICT in the design and planning of infrastructure revealed Smart ICT has the capacity to transform the design, construction and management of infrastructure assets, the management and use of existing assets, and the operation of transport, communications, energy and utility systems.
“These technologies are transformational with the capacity to dramatically increase the productivity of the Australian economy,” Mr Alexander said.
“In order to achieve this, however, governments and industry must be aware of the potential of smart ICT, and must invest in the technologies, skills and systems to make the transformation a reality.”
The central recommendation of the report is the formation of a Smart Infrastructure Task Force—based on the UK model—to provide national coordination between governments, industry and researchers.
The Committee has also recommended that:
- The Smart Infrastructure Task Force be given responsibility for the national coordination of protocols and standards relating to infrastructure data and the development of an objects library.
- The National Archives of Australia be given the resources to oversee the development of a whole-of-government infrastructure data strategy.
- Government gives greater recognition to the capacity of new technologies and systems to enhance the operation of emergency management and disaster planning and remediation.
- Government recognizes public safety communications systems as critical infrastructure.
A copy of the report can be obtained from the committee’s website or from the secretariat on (02) 6277 2352.
The Committee’s webpage.