Senate stunt fails, now let Royal Commission get on with the job

WITH the Labor Party today failing in its latest bid to remove Dyson Heydon AC QC as head of the Royal Commission into Trade Union Corruption, the Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA) has reiterated the importance of the Commission completing the job of rooting out corruption and illegality from our trade unions.

The Opposition unsuccessfully raised a motion in the Senate to call on the Governor-General to remove the Royal Commissioner - with a tied vote seeing it defeated.

“This was nothing more than a misguided stunt that rightfully never gained traction in the Senate,” says AMMA executive director, policy and public affairs, Scott Barklamb.

“We congratulate those crossbench senators that saw through this latest cynical attempt to shield corrupt union officials from proper scrutiny and accountability.

“It is time for the ALP to stop standing in the way of positive steps towards eliminating the unlawfulness and corruption plaguing some Australian unions.

“The vast majority of honest union officials, doing their job and working for their members, have absolutely nothing to fear from the Royal Commission, and the ALP needs to realise unions will be stronger and more respected if bad apples and illegal practices are exposed.”

Mr Barklamb says the continuation of the Royal Commission hearings must be part of an ongoing process to stamp out union corruption, especially in the construction industry.

“Despite union attempts to derail the Royal Commission and shift the spotlight off the lawlessness within some union ranks, the damning evidence already uncovered speaks to the urgent need to reintroduce the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) as an effective industry regulator,” he says.

“The Senate should now support the restoration of the ABCC and demonstrate to unions, employers and the Australian community that no individual or group is above the rule of law.

“AMMA will also continue to argue for both unions and registered employer organisations to be bound by the same governance standards, transparency and penalties for wrongdoing that applies to corporations and their directors.”


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