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Focus on city labour market jobs decline – Jobs and Skills Report

METROPOLITAN labour market conditions are easing compared with regional areas, according to the just-released Better Together: Jobs and Skills Report 2024.

Whereas conditions in regional areas improved on average in the lead up to June 2024, metropolitan areas such as Sydney are faring less well.

“The devil is in the details,” Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) Commissioner, Professor Barney Glover said.

“Overall analysis of regional labour market indicators shows that the regions are often weaker than cities.

“But when you get into the data, it’s showing a downward trend with cities, notably that 13 city areas had a decline in labour market rating whilst only four regional areas declined over the same period.”

Other comparisons tell a similar story. The average unemployment rate for metropolitan and regional city areas increased by 0.4 percentage points over the year to June 2024 compared with an increase of 0.1 percentage points in regional areas.

Similarly, the average working age employment rate in cities fell by 0.3 percentage points of the year, but it increased in regional areas by 0.5 percentage points.

“That’s why we’re taking our report on the road, to make sure that people are understanding what the data is showing and also that we’re hearing from people on the ground about what data and analysis is most useful to them,” Commissioner Glover said.

JSA is taking its roadshow to all capital cities as it meets with stakeholders and interested members of the public to discuss the Better Together: Jobs and Skills Report 2024, JSA’s annual compendium of its most interesting insights.

The Jobs and Skills Australia national roadshow will visit each state capital in November and December, with staff providing an overview of the latest analysis of the training and workforce sectors.
