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City of Kalgoorlie Boulder to stage SEGRA national economic growth conference

AUSTRALIA'S foremost regional economic development conference, Sustainable Economic Growth in Regional Australia (SEGRA) will be held in the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder from November 16-18 this year.

“SEGRA is widely recognised as Australia’s most credible, independent voice on issues affecting regional, rural and remote Australia,” SEGRA Conference convenor Kate Charters said. 

This annual event highlights  trends and opportunities affecting regional Australia as well as showcasing examples of successful regional initiatives from government, business, social ventures and the community.

SEGRA attracts more than 300 delegates from all levels of government, senior members of Parliament, policy advisers, industry players, academics and practitioners to develop and promote solutions to regional issues. 

Conference convenor Kate Charters said the organisers were delighted to bring SEGRA to the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder.

“In addition to profiling the Kalgoorlie Boulder region to delegates, the conference offers an excellent opportunity to showcase the success of the region’s economic development strategies and its capacity to create economic opportunities, through innovative business, strategic planning and a commitment to sustainable living” she said.

City of Kalgoorlie Boulder Mayor John Bowler said, “The successful SEGRA bid was testament to Kalgoorlie Boulder’s unique position as an important innovative, creative and technologically savvy hub in inland Australia as well as  the capacity for regions to progress and prosper on their own strengths."

SEGRA 2021 is hosted by The City of Kalgoorlie Boulder with event partners Regional Development Australia (Goldfields Esperance), Goldfields Esperance Development Commission and Kalgoorlie Boulder Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


