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QRC Indigenous award winners break records

QUEENSLAND Resources Council (QRC) chief executive Ian Macfarlane described the 2018 Indigenous Awards as a record breaking event.

The fifth annual awards, presented during the recent Reconciliation Week, received record nominations, record attendance and record sponsorship, according to Mr Macfarlane.

“These awards continue to go from strength to strength with companies across all commodities getting involved and celebrating excellence in Indigenous participation in resources,” Mr Macfarlane said. 

“The awards are designed to celebrate the achievements of those companies and individuals making a real difference and to inspire others to do the same. It is our hope that award winners will go on to be ambassadors for the sector, acting as role models and encouraging more Indigenous people to join our industry.

“As a sector that largely operates in regional and remote communities with high Indigenous populations, bridging the divide with tangible opportunity is of great priority. Queensland’s resources sector is providing more jobs and opportunities for Indigenous Australians.

“The State’s Indigenous population is 4 percent and current census data shows the sector’s Indigenous participation has grown to 4 percent, which places the sector as one of the few industries with a genuine representation.

“Across Australia, mining was acknowledged in the Closing the Gap report this year with 6599 Indigenous Australians employed by the mining industry which is an increase of 250 percent since 2006.”

The Indigenous Advocacy Award went to Shane Kennelly, owner and managing director of Kennelly Constructions.

“By delivering above and beyond expectations through advocacy work Shane has shown exceptional leadership which has contributed to an increase in Indigenous participation in the sector,” Mr Macfarlane said.

Evolution Mining’s Charmaine Saltner took out the Exceptional Indigenous Person in her role as a group community relations advisor.  

“Charmaine demonstrated aptitude, enthusiasm and an ability to build strong relationships with employees on site and is always willing to provide training and coaching to her peers,” Mr Macfarlane said.

Jayden Uiduldum from Kirwan State High School triumphed in the Exceptional Indigenous Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA) award.

“This bright young man has excelled in all areas of his school work but most impressively is his ongoing commitment to share his knowledge with other students in the classroom,” Mr Macfarlane said.

Downer Mining in partnership with Blackwater PCYC was awarded Best Company Indigenous Employment and Training Initiative while Best Company Procurement Initiative went to Origin.

Northern Haulage and Diesel Services scored Exceptional Indigenous Business and this year Indigenous businesses were employed to assist with the event.

More than 300 people attended the awards ceremony in Brisbane, opened with a welcome to country by Indigenous songwoman, Maroochy Barambah.


Best Company Indigenous Employment and Training Initiative: Recruitment and Training Program by Downer Mining in partnership with Blackwater PCYC, winner. JobTrail, WorkPac runner up. Glencore Indigenous Mentoring Program, highly commended.

Best Company Indigenous Procurement Initiative: Indigenous Procurement Plans, Origin.

Exceptional Indigenous Business: Northern Haulage and Diesel Services (NHDS). Runner-up BW Promotions. Highly commended, Indigenous Beverages Australia, Waddi Springs.

Exceptional Indigenous QMEA Student: Jayden Uiduldam, Kirwan State High School. Runner up Shye-Leigh Rankine, Cloncurry State School. Highly commended Felicitie Gower, Pioneer State High School.

Exceptional Indigenous Person: Charmaine Saltner, group community relations advisor, Evolution Mining. Runner up Angus Row Row, operator (rear dump truck) and trainer, Curragh North, Thiess. Joint highly commended, Arnold Tilberoo, grounds and gardens team member, Spotless; and Jacqui Brodin, IT systems engineer, Incitec Pivot.

Indigenous Advocacy Award: Shane Kennelly, owner and managing director, Kennelly Constructions. Runner up Marcia Hanrahan, general manager Amrun Project, Rio Tinto. Highly commended Bevan Gostelow, superintendent maintenance services, BMA.
