Bottom Line

Klok head of Replica companies

THE best business ideas just seem to roll in to the Bottomline office  on a daily basis, thanks to our extensive and thorough e-mail R&D (that’s Reply and Destroy your business) division.

Check out this exceptional offer – that is, an offer to take exception with – from the ever-innovative John Klok, an IT developer who is clearly part of the giant G-Mail organisation?


From: John Klok <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Subject: :: Your Website/Mobile Work

Hey – Good Day,

This message is to shake your hand with some big business breaks that are ruling the current market picture. Yes it’s right!

With the completion of 5 Years in IT & Software businesses we can share some big business breaks with you ...

We are famous for developing REPLICA for some Big Names similar to: UBER, AirBNB, CrowdFunding, Tinder, Amazon and much more...

If your interests lie, we can deliver the clone for :

Replica of UBER       : (Mobile app + Website)

Replica Of AirBNB   : (Mobile app + Website)

Replica of Ditto      : (Mobile app + Website)

Replica Of Amazon :  (Mobile app + Website)

Replica of Food Panda  : (Mobile app + Website)

Replica of ETSY       : (Mobile app + Website)

Replica of Kickstarter   : (Mobile app + Website)

Replica of Tinder       : (Mobile app + Website)

Replica of FANCY           : (Mobile app + Website) and Much More…..

Hence, if you are questioning for big business opportunity then we are just an email away... Just email me back and be the owner of these platforms in few days.

Note: We can vary the UI if your requirement is similar to upstairs mentioned or ask for more …

We also deal in:

Website Design and Developments

Web/Mobile Apps Developments

Search Engine Optimization

Website Content Writing etc………….

We hope we did not take too much of your time. If you are interested in this great deal, please Skype me at Blowsons

We would be more than happy to answer any questions. 

In Your Success


Note: If you don’t want any future email from us, please reply with “Unsubscribe”.


Bottomline would now like to show you our eloquent reply to John Klok's e-mail but ... there wasn't one.



Zombie economics

One of the most astute economics observers in the world today is John Quiggin, author of the outrageously honest book Zombie Economics: How dead ideas still walk among us, published by Princeton University Press. 

Professor Quiggin has become one of the rare economists still warning of the inherent behaviours and theories that the ‘financial industry’ adhered to – right up until they created the Global Financial Crisis (or, in US parlance, the Great Recession) –  are hardly dead yet.  In fact, they are rising from the grave again. 

Here is a particularly apt piece of wisdom from that marvellous book – published in 2010 when the GFC was alive and well and zombie economics should have been put to rest. It examines all that elegant and perspicacious economic stability theory that completely missed the onset of the GFC – and in fact helped cause it – and so Zombie Economics should be required reading in all good schools of economics and, perhaps, politics:

“For many years economists have worked like the anecdotal drunk who searches for his dropped keys under a lamp post because the light is better there. In the future, and particularly in macroeconomics, economists will need to look where the keys are and build tools that will improve the chances of success.” 

And this cracking analysis of the curious growth of the ‘financial industry’: 

“The growth of the financial sector since the mid-1970s has been staggering. The financial services industry’s share of corporate profits in the United States rose from around 10 percent in the early 1980s to 40 percent in 2007, at a time when the profit share of national income was also growing strongly …

“Volumes of financial activity grew at rates that defy any simple interpretation. The Bank for International Settlements has estimated the global volume of outstanding derivative contracts at around $600 trillion, about ten times the world’s total output. In the normal course of events, most of these transactions net out to zero, but even a small miss-match can produce losses or gains of many billions …

“Along with all this, the income and wealth of those working in the financial sector grew massively, as did their numbers. The salaries of financial sector executives outstripped those prevailing in other industries , at a time when executive salaries in general rose to huge multiples of the incomes of ordinary workers …

“But the political power of the finance sector does not depend solely on command over economic resources. After the economic dislocation of the 1970s, the financial sector became, in perception and to some extent in reality, the most important guarantor of economic stability and prosperity. Governments sought desperately to gain and maintain the AAA ratings issued by agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s. The alternative was the political disgrace of a downgrading and the ultimate threat of capital flight …”

The Bottomline? Prof. Quiggin says it elegantly:

“The Global Financial Crisis gives the economics profession the chance to bury the ideas that led the world into crisis, and to produce a more realistic, humble, and above all, socially useful body of thought.”

That was written in 2010. How are our most respected and quoted economists going? How are our politicians, who listen to them, going? Back to our pesky Bottomline: How are we going?


I say, I say … that’s interesting

AUSTRALIAN business coach and author, Ric Willmot, is renowned as one of the most ardent collectors of impactful sayings in business and social wisdom.

He not only collects these sayings and distributes them, he is an astute applicant of those gems of wisdom as he incorporates it in his coaching and business courses. Here are some recent insights from Ric Willmot’s collection … 

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
— Albert Einstein.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
— St Francis of Assisi.

“What I like about sceptics is that in good science you need critics that make you think: ‘Crumbs, have I made a mistake here?’ If you don’t have that continuously, you really are up the creek. The good sceptics have done a good service.”
— James Lovelock.

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”
— George Bernard Shaw.

“Anybody can become angry — that is easy. But to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way —​ that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.”
— Aristotle.

“Stupidity is a talent for misconception.”
— Edgar Allan Poe.

“Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that’s real power.”
— Clint Eastwood.

And, finally, some practical business advice from Ric himself:

“Buyers will pay more for better solutions, intellect, dignity, confidence, trust, and a smile.”
— Ric Willmot.



FarQR good at branding

EVERY now and then a technological innovation comes along that is both magnificent and magnificently named.

FarQR codes fall magnificently into that category. 

If you don’t get the joke, then you probably also have never laughed at directions being given to the Far Canal, strong advice to join the Far Queue, and the unfortunately named 1900s American sculptor, Phil McCracken.

Apparently the firm Sodyo is either blissfully unaware of the inference of its new brand, FarQR – or they are marketing, as well as digital, geniuses.

While it’s true that FarQR is a groundbreaking new QR Code system that is poised to “forever change the TV advertising business model” – it allows viewers to point their smartphone at the TV screen and scan a FarQR Code placed in programming that presents other information and deals on the smartphone – it’s most disruptive element is surely its own brand name.

Here is how one of the co-founders, Rina Alon, described Far QR in a media release: “Broadcasters place a FarQR Code on a commercial. The viewer points their phone to the screen, and interactive content from the broadcaster instantly appears on the phone from any viewing distance. FarQR Codes allow interaction between the two most important screens in our lives – TV and smartphone. Thanks to FarQR Codes, broadcasters can enrich content, engage and captivate the audience in ways they never imagined possible.”

And give everyone who gets it a laugh along the way.

Look out for these, and similar, expressions being added to the global lexicon …

FarQR stupid.

FarQR serious.

FarQR savvy.

FarQR legendary …

The shame for Australia is that the Israel-based developers of this new technology beat Queensland Rail to the naming rights.

Then again, they seem to be well ahead in the clever branding stakes and don’t much care what anyone thinks, or whether others get the joke or not.

The company name, after all, is Sodyo.

But Bottomline legal teams have been dispatched to try to beat this innovative information technology company to an even cleverer brand name … SodIT, of course.




Virtually a Minecraft reality

WHO SAYS virtual reality is not yet up to scratch?

This inspirational home in Brisbane seems to prove that there is nothing virtually wrong with using the children’s construction computer game, Minecraft, to bring your home design dreams to reality.


Strike opens doors

WORK-TO-RULE notice on an inoperable electric office glass door at Nundah, Queensland, puts a whole new perspective on industrial action – or inaction in this case.



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