THE WHOLE blockchain and crypto currency area is certainly one of innovation … especially in the realm of naming these technologies.
Blockchain leader Consensys, for example, has named its Blockchain Business Cloud as Kaleido – which is a SaaS and that makes it sound SaaSsy all right.
And, of course ConsenSys’s Ethereum – probably the world’s best known blockchain value system besides Bitcoin – has its own derivatives fascinatingly named Geth and Quorum. 
Blockchain venture studio ConsenSys also recently joined cloud-based metal concentrates exchange Open Mineral in a joint venture establishing Minerac, a blockchain consortium wanting to change the way mineral commodities trading and connected supply chains operate.
So, it seems the race is on not only to break new ground using blockchain but to also break new ground in SaaSsy brand names.
For example, blockchain startup Ivy was formerly known as IvyKoin and it has teamed up with the cryptocurrency OTC (over-the-counter) broker service known as
And then there are collectors and warehouses of these cutting edge technologies such as Wachsman – before we get carried away, it was founded by David Wachsman, so no need to get too investigative on that name – which has projects in its ‘blockchain ecosystem’ including CoinDesk, eToro, Dash, tZERO, Steemit, Bitfinex, Crypto Valley Association, and Lisk.
Even Malta, which is now calling itself a blockchain island and is seeking to be at the forefront of the global industry, has gotten into the swisho naming and igaming. Well known early-stage players in blockchain gaming, Binance and Okex, have established themselves there.
Now Bottomline sticks to its knitting and is not a leader in any way in developing, let alone understanding, blockchain technologies. However, we fancy our chances of developing some pretty SaaSsy brand names for this sector …
For Australian motor racing: Brockchain.
For property renovation reality TV: TheBlockchain.
For the water treatment and sewerage sector: Shitcoin or Pullerchain.
For the engine reconditioning sector: BlockandTacklechain.
For sheep and pastoral management in general: Flockchain.
For gun management: Glockchain.
For general door security: Lockchain.
For hairdressing style IP protection: Lockschain.
For fairy tale IP protection: Goldilockschain.
For sweets and chocolate recipe IP protection: Choc-chain.
And last, but certainly not least, Leaders in blockchain organisations: Blockheads.