Local government driving new location-aware smartphone apps

LOCAL councils are seeking new ways to operate more efficiently and connect with their citizens through location-aware smartphone applications (apps), according to a new Australian technology study. Image

Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) and geographic information system (GIS) technology leaders Esri Australia recently conducted the 2013 GIS in Local Government Benchmark Study, surveying 150 councils on their use of mapping technology.

The survey discovered 58 percent of respondents expected to release location-based smartphone apps within the next two years.

Of the councils surveyed, a majority believed further development of mobile technology was a key priority for them over the next five years.

The research indicated smartphone apps could play a crucial role in information gathering during emergency situations, and as a means to share council data with the community.

Speaking at last week's SSSI annual conference in Canberra, where the study was launched, Esri Australia principal consultant Gary Johnson said the research showed councils see GIS - an advanced data mapping technology - as the key to better communication with the public.

"Ninety-nine percent of respondents believe GIS technology can improve the way councils communicate with citizens," Mr Johnson said. 

"That might be through the development of a location-aware smartphone app, or user-friendly online maps.

"This statistic is given further weight when we consider 83 percent of respondents believe information sourced from the public is important to emergency response activities.

"It is no surprise councils are planning to act on these understandings and connect with the community through location-based smartphone apps.

"Many respondents indicated this was also being driven by the community, which now expects greater access to council information in the easy-to-use, visual format of digital maps."

The study also revealed councils see GIS technology as integral to emergency management internally, with around half of respondents declaring it strengthened decision-making (53 percent) and resource allocation (47 percent), and heightened situational awareness (48 percent) during a crisis.

SSSI president Gary Maguire said the aim of the report was to raise understanding and awareness of the role of the GIS professional in Australia's local government sector.

"The survey serves as an important piece of industry research because it provides an outline of how councils across the country are currently using GIS," Mr Maguire said.

"It also highlights how they plan to use it in years to come, providing an indicator of areas of growth for the sector and new trends.

"Most importantly, it provides our councils the opportunity to share with each other knowledge and insights that will impact future technology strategies and potentially facilitate collaboration in areas such as open data or emergency response."

Mr Johnson said the study showed councils continued to be national innovators in the use of GIS technology.

"Local governments are the largest user of GIS technology in Australia," Mr Johnson said.

"They have consistently been early adopters of GIS advancements, and as a result drive much of the innovation in how the technology is used.

"This is evident in the way local government have used GIS technology during emergencies to verify crowdsourced data, and to develop a two-way conversation with the community via smartphones apps."
Mr Johnson said the study was proof that the use of GIS technology within local government was becoming widespread.

"Sixty-eight percent of respondents believe their organisations have a strong understanding of the value of GIS technology," Mr Johnson said.

"Given the study showed 85 percent of councils already provide all of their departments with access to GIS capabilities it is clear we are seeing an expansion of the technologies within our councils - which can only mean better services and more open communication with their residents."



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