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Marney heads Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre advisory board

FORMER public servant Tim Marney has been appointed chair of the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) advisory board.

Mr Marney succeeds business leader John Langoulant, who became BCEC advisory board chair in 2013. Mr Marney served as Under Treasurer for Western Australia from 2005 until his recent appointment as the State’s Mental Health Commissioner in early 2014. 

In his role as Under Treasurer, Mr Marney gained an in-depth understanding of the economic environment in Western Australia. He also held responsibility for the State Government’s procurement agency, led the Government’s Economic Audit and subsequent reform of non-government service delivery.

BCEC director Alan Duncan welcomed Mr Marney’s appointment as “a strong signal of the centre’s progress and commitment to evidence-informed, rigorous and objective research on the most important economic and social issues facing WA”.

“BCEC’s research influences thinking, shapes policy, and above all, makes a genuine difference to the lives of West Australians. And there is no doubt that Tim’s background and experience will be a great asset,” Professor Duncan said.

Over the past year, BCEC has enhanced its reputation through the release of reports on regional economic policy, income and wealth, housing affordability, workforce and skills, and poverty and disadvantage.

Mr Marney said he welcomed the opportunity to work with Prof. Duncan and members of the BCEC advisory board to shape the centre’s research and engagement agenda, and to deliver strong value to the tate’s policy, business and not-for-profit sectors and the WA community.

“No other economic research organisation in WA is engaged in the kind of work the BCEC produces and there is a compelling need and a huge appetite for high quality, credible research that supports effective policy making,” Mr Marney said.

“I am keenly aware of the power of research to highlight issues of concern, and offer solutions, and I am looking forward to being part of the next phase of the centre’s growth and development.”

BCEC is an independent economic and social research organisation which was established in 2012 in partnership with Bankwest. The centre is located within the Curtin Business School.
