Mario Pennisi joins Elo-Australia as resident director

ELO LIFE SYSTEMS Inc. has attracted Mario G. Pennisi to join as a resident director of its Australian subsidiary, located on the premises of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Gardens Point Campus in Brisbane.

Elo-Australia is primarily focused on developing novel plant-based protein alternatives using its flagship ARCUS genome editing technology and multi-crop expertise.

“The demand for protein is growing faster than the ability to produce it in a reliable and sustainable manner,” Mr Pennisi said. “It is a milestone event to have the likes of Elo Life Systems establish a presence here in Australia, and I look forward to assisting them and the many Australian enterprises that will ultimately work with them to address this real challenge.” 

Mario Pennisi has more than 30 years experience in managing and growing commercial operations in the life sciences industry. He is a member of committees and advisory groups including the University of Queensland Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Faculty Board and Schools of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences Industry Advisory Board.

Mr Pennisi is a government-appointed member of the QUT Council, the chairman of Griffith University’s Clinical Trials Advisory Committee and a member of the Queensland Government Biofutures Industry Advisory Group.

“We are excited to have Mario join Elo at this critical stage of growth in the company,” Elo Life Systems CEO Fayaz Khazi said.

“With Mario’s keen interest in innovation, his experience and his insight in translational sciences, we hope to advance Elo’s mission of improving human health and wellness by forming strategic collaborations of high calibre within the Australian food and agriculture sectors.

“Mario is one of those rare talents who can help us bridge the gap between human health and agriculture.”

Mr Pennisi currently serves as the CEO of Life Sciences Queensland Limited. Prior to moving into this role, he was the CEO of Queensland Clinical Trials Network Inc.


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