Spark Festival helps parents balance business and babies

NEW South Wales entrepreneurs will hear directly from successful ‘parent-repreneurs’ on how to juggle a fast-paced startup business and parenthood at an event this week.

The Balancing Parenthood and Entrepreneurship event on Wednesday, October 31, at the Spark Festival will assemble a panel of successful entrepreneurs who are parents to discuss the challenges and opportunities of navigating both roles. 

The panel of successful ‘parent-repreneurs’ will include Carrie Kwan, Peter McConnell, Edwina Sharrock and Victoria Stewart – all successful business founders with children. In tune with the event, to be held at the Sydney Startup Hub with the support of the NSW Government, is free onsite childcare for attendees.

“The average age of a startup founder in NSW is mid-30s and frequently that aligns with founders starting a family,” Deputy Premier and Minister for Small Business John Barilaro said.

“Parent-repreneurs are not only looking for opportunities to secure their future but to ensure flexible working conditions to support their families.”
Founding, running and growing a startup business is a huge job and it can be a massive challenge,  but in many ways being a parent is excellent preparation for startup life.

The panel discussion will involve four successful ‘parent-repreneurs’ sharing advice and tips on how they balance parenthood and entrepreneurship to achieve both family and business goals, with lunch and networking to follow.

Jobs for NSW will host the event as part of its sponsorship of the Spark Festival, with free on-site childcare offered for startup parents and ‘babes in arms’ also welcome, a spokesperson said. 

Carrie Kwan is the co-founder and managing director of Mums & Co, a networking hub for Australian women entrepreneurs, who will share her passion and insights on how working parents can realise success in their startups and businesses.

Peter McConnell is executive chair at Commtract, a marketplace for communications professionals. He will share his experience of balancing a young family with two successful start-ups – one led by his wife, the other by him – including strategies for balancing primary care for his two boys and a busy executive role.

Edwina Sharrock is the CEO and founder of Tamworth startup Birth Beat, an online platform for antenatal and childbirth classes. She will share her experience on the steps she has taken to launch her start-up while being a mother of two children under six.

Victoria Stuart is co-founder of Beam Australia, an online marketplace connecting businesses with degree qualified stay-at-home parents. Ms Stuart will discuss her personal search for balance and the positive impact flexible work options are making to lives and businesses. 

Register for the event here.


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