Business News Releases

Committee to hear from higher education sector on security risks

THE Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) will hold a public hearing this week for its Inquiry into national security risks affecting the Australian higher education and research sector.

Committee chair Senator James Paterson said, “This second hearing will focus on the university and research sector. This inquiry will seek to identify best practice from leading  universities to encourage the rest of the sector to follow and also scrutinise ongoing poor practices at some institutions.”

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, teleconference and video conference facilities may be used to connect witnesses to committee members. The hearings will be broadcast live at

Public Hearing Details

Friday, March 19 2021
​8am – 4.30pm (AEDT)
​Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra

A program for the hearing can be found here.

Further information on the inquiry can be obtained from the Committee’s website.



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Builders want the IR Omnibus Bill passed this week

MASTER BUILDERS Australia is calling on the Senate to pass the IR Omnibus Bill this week. 

Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said, “Senators need to back this Bill to support economic recovery, it’s that simple.

“Business investment remains low while other indicators of recovery are rebounding. Passing this Bill will send a strong signal to businesses that pragmatic measures to grow the economy are being put in place, boosting confidence that they can hire more people and invest in generating more business activity,” she said. 

“Productivity boosting measures in the Bill include reducing the unnecessary technicalities and complexities that currently beset the IR system. It will encourage enterprise bargaining in our industry which has fallen by over 33 percent in recent years,” Ms Wawn said. 

“With every $1 dollar spent on construction generating $3 in wider economic activity, governments around the country are investing billions to harness the industry’s multiplier effect and build the bridge to recovery. Passing the Omnibus Bill will unlock even more productivity and jobs in the sector. 

“Master Builders does not agree with everything in this Bill, but we have determined not to let ‘the pursuit of the perfect be the enemy of the good’ as it includes positive measures that will boost business confidence and unlock investment to drive economic growth to the benefit of the whole community. 

“The Senate should the pass Omnibus Bill this to improve the operation of the IR system to support the nation’s economic recovery,” Ms Wawn said.


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More than 1000 job opportunities for resourceful and energetic Queenslanders

THE Queensland resources and energy sector is currently looking to fill more than 1000 jobs across the State, Queensland Resources Council (QRC) chief executive Ian Macfarlane said today.

Mr Macfarlane said Queensland’s resources sector supported more than 420,000 jobs across the State, and despite COVID-19, international market conditions and commodity price fluctuations the sector was continuing to hire staff.

“The resources sector already supports one in six jobs across the state and is playing a central role in helping Queensland work, earn and employ its way through COVID,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“Right now the resources sector is offering more than 1000 opportunities for Queensland jobseekers, both in Brisbane and in the regions.”

According to online job portal Seek, there are currently more than 1000 vacancies in Queensland mining, resources and energy including:

  • 318 Brisbane
  • 297 Mackay and Coalfields
  • 82 Townsville
  • 63 Cairns and Far North
  • 59 Mount Isa
  • 57 Rockhampton and Capricorn Coast
  • 27 Gladstone
  • 27 Toowoomba and Darling Downs
  • 11 Bundaberg, Wide Bay-Burnett

Mr Macfarlane said the tireless work of the industry, in partnership with the Queensland Government and local councils, to ensure staff, their families and their communities remained safe during COVID-19 had ensured the industry could continue to operate and earn for Queensland.

“As an industry, we are working very hard and having increasing success in attracting more women, more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and more young Queenslanders to join our industry,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“The resources and energy sector uses cutting edge technology and is at the forefront of delivering the full energy mix, advanced manufacturing and renewable energy and battery storage technologies, so there is a lot to offer potential employees looking for new opportunities,” he said.

“I strongly encourage people who want to be part of an industry that is all about finding energy solutions to consider a career in resources.”


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Better gender balance in ASX leadership vital for improving performance

IFASX COMPANIES want to increase their long-term market value they need to act now and increase the number of women in CEO and executive leadership positions.

This was one of the many views expressed during a panel discussion at a virtual event recently for the 40:40 Vision initiative launched last year by industry super fund HESTA with industry partners Chief Executive Women, Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI), 30% Club and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

The panel comprised Sam Mostyn, president Chief Executive Women, Louise Davidson, CEO, ACSI, Colleen Harris, group chief people officer, Ramsay Health Care, and moderated by HESTA CEO Debby Blakey agreed that there had been too little progress on seeing women advance to senior roles.

Panellists said,while it was good the number of ASX200 women chairs had grown from 11 in 2015 to 24 in 2021, it was disconcerting only 10 ASX200 CEOs are women and only one of the 25 CEOs appointed to ASX200 CEO roles last year was a woman.

In 2020, the WGEA and the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre released research showing an increase in the share of female ‘top-tier’ managers by 10 percentage points or more led to an average 6.6 percent increase in the market value of Australian ASX-listed companies.

The 40:40 Vision chair and HESTA CEO Debby Blakey said, “As investors, we share a common goal with companies to improve their long-term performance – it’s good for our members and its good for their shareholders. We know from local and global research that addressing gender diversity in leadership is essential to creating stronger decision making and this long-term improvement in a company’s value.”

“With only 25 percent of ASX200 executive leadership positions held by women, it’s not surprising there are such a small number of women CEOs. Boosting the number of women in leadership will provide an important pipeline of diverse talent for boards.

“Those companies not looking closely enough at 50 percent of the population when identifying top talent risk missing out not only on the best people but also the long-term performance edge a more diverse and inclusive culture provides.”

Global company Ramsay Health Care was the first ASX listed companies to join the initiative. Ramsay’s Group chief people officer Colleen Harris said, “Ramsay Health Care has a strong record of embracing diversity and promoting women into leadership roles. By supporting the 40:40 Vision initiative, we hope to encourage other ASX200 companies to achieve gender equality.

“Globally, we are a significant employer of women, and we have long been committed to having strong female representation at all levels of the organisation. In Australia, 59 percent of our hospital and facility CEOs are women and 60 per cent of our regional executives are women.”

ACSI CEO Louise Davidson said investors have long recognised the value of gender diversity in governance and leadership roles.

“We’re very encouraged to see the number of women directors continuing to increase. But it’s disappointing that the number of female chairs and CEOs continues to languish. Through 40:40 Vision, investors are driving companies to capitalise on the long-term value of diversity by setting gender targets in leadership teams. Women’s progression to executive leadership positions and CEO roles still has a long way to go, and it will take sustained effort for this to change.”

President of Chief Executive Women, Sam Mostyn, said, “ASX200 companies can lead the way and achieve better results for all their stakeholders by ensuring their leadership teams are balanced. More diverse teams lead to stronger financial performance and safer company cultures. Risk is reduced and outcomes improved – a 40:40 vision of gender equality is a corporate responsibility right now.”

Ms Blakey said HESTA launched the 40:40 Vision initiative last year with industry partners out of concern that the number of women in leadership positions had stalled.

“The 40:40 Vision initiative was necessary because a lack of gender diversity in leadership is ultimately a financial risk. We have set ambitious targets; the time for waiting is over because we can’t wait decades to see equal numbers of men and women in senior leadership.”

Ms Blakey encouraged all ASX200 companies to pledge support for a 40 percent gender balance by 2030, and said 40:40 Vision recognises the complexity and differences in organisational structure among ASX200 companies, giving flexibility for companies to set and develop their own plans and targets.

“We want to see real, genuine change – not just additional layers of needless reporting and governance resulting in a tick-the-box exercise,” Ms Blakey said.


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QRC welcomes Santos exploration project and domestic gas boost

THE Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has congratulated Santos on being awarded an Authority to Prospect (ATP) in the gas-rich Bowen and Surat Basins.

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said Resources Minister Scott Stewart’s announcement that Santos had been granted a domestic gas ATP was a win for the gas industry and for industrial and household consumers.

“As the peak representative for the State’s gas, coal and metal explorers and producers, the QRC supports the Queensland Government’s policy of only offering tenures which produce domestic gas,” he said.

“To date, the government’s forward-looking domestic gas policy has released more than 20,000 square kilometres of land to help our manufacturing sector secure the gas it needs.

“The Government recommitted to its policy for domestic-only gas tenure releases to assist the manufacturing industry during the 2020 State election, so this announcement is testament this policy is working for Queensland, particularly in our recovery from COVID-19.

“Congratulations to Santos and its ongoing commitment to operating in Queensland.”

Mr Macfarlane said Queenslanders could count on resources to help with the State’s economic recovery from COVID.

“To give an idea of the significance of the oil and gas industry to Queensland, last year it supported more than 51,000 full-time equivalent jobs,” he said.

“During the same period, the oil and gas industry injected $5.1 billion – almost $14 million a day – into the Queensland economy.”

Mr Macfarlane said projects like Santos’ new exploration venture demonstrate the key role Queensland can play in providing resources to support the world’s transition to a low emissions future.

“This includes expanding our renewable energy industry, developing battery storage and hydrogen and operating Queensland’s modern coal and gas-fired generators,” he said.


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