Business News Releases

Hitting the road: Committee to hold public hearings for EV inquiry

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water will be holding public hearings in Sydney on Thursday and Friday for its inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles (EVs).

Chair of the Committee, Tony Zappia MP, said, "The public hearings will be an opportunity to further explore the priorities necessary to support Australia’s transition to EVs.

"The committee is looking forward to hearing from a diverse range of stakeholders who can offer insight into a number of issues, including the manufacturing and charging of EVs, experiences using EV fleets, and opportunities for the safe and equitable uptake of EVs in Australia."

The program for the public hearings is available on the committee’s website.

The committee will be holding further public hearings in Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra in August and September 2024. Further information about the inquiry is available on the committee’s website.

Public hearing details

Date: 25 July 2024
Time: 9am to 4.30pm
Location: Remington Room, Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St, Sydney
Witnesses: RACE for 2030 and iMOVE CRC, Association for the Battery Recycling Industry, Veolia, Australian Council of Recycling, Polestar, Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy, Essential Energy, Energy Consumers Australia, FleetPartners, Australian Finance Industry Association

Date: 26 July 2024
Time: 9.00am to 12pm
Location: Remington Room, Sydney Masonic Centre, 66 Goulburn St, Sydney
Witnesses: Strata Community Association, IKEA, NSW Young Lawyers Environment and Planning Sub-Committee, AECOM.



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Challenges and risks facing local government sustainability

LOCAL government associations from Queensland, Tasmania and New South Wales will appear before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport as part of an ongoing inquiry into local government sustainability.

The virtual public hearing on July 25 continues the committee’s in-depth examination of the financial sustainability challenges and risks facing local government.

The committee will also hear from the Australian Services Union, the Northern and Yorke Local Government Association, Torrens University Australia, Always Thinking Advisory, and the United Services Union and Local Government Engineers Association.

Committee Chair, Luke Gosling OAM, MP, said, "The hearing will provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the particular risks threatening the financial sustainability of local governments. Local governments are facing both escalating cost pressures and increasing community expectations. The committee is interested in further exploring the key financial pressures, including the extent to which councils rely on Commonwealth and State and Territory program and grant funding to meet expanding service delivery obligations.

"The hearing also provides an opportunity to gather additional evidence concerning current and future workforce skills, attraction, and retention challenges, along with labour hire practices and job security issues affecting the local government workforce.

"The committee is also interested in exploring the local government financial sustainability drivers underlying critical workforce issues across states and territories," Mr Gosling said.

Public hearing details

Canberra, Australian Parliament House and via videoconference

Date:      Thursday, 25 July 2024

Venue:   Committee Room 1R3 and via videoconference

Time:     9.30am to 2pm (AEST)

The committee will hold further public hearings during 2024. Further information on the inquiry, including the terms of reference and how to contribute, is available on the committee’s website.



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Public hearing for inquiry into improving the economic self-determination for First Nations Australians

THE Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs is holding a virtual public hearing on July 23 for its inquiry into improving the economic prosperity for First Nations Australians.

The committee will hear from leading financial organisations and Indigenous businesses and academics in New South Wales about how they support First economic opportunities for First Nations businesses, industry, and community. Organisations include the Yarpa Hub, First Australians Capital, the Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia, and the NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce.

The committee will also discuss the latest research on the Indigenous business sector with the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education and Research and Terri Janke and Company. The committee will also hear from the Law Council of Australia about legislative barriers and opportunities to economic self-determination.

Chair of the committee, Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba woman Senator Jana Stewart, said, "These organisations have been leading the charge assisting First Nations enterprises. I am looking forward to drawing on their depth of experience to explore how the Commonwealth Government can support First Nations Australians leverage the next generation of economic opportunities."

Further information on the inquiry, including the program for the public hearing is available on the committee’s website.



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Live music inquiry Brisbane and Sydney public hearings

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts is holding its first round of interstate public hearings this week for its inquiry into the challenges and opportunities within the Australian live music industry.

The committee will be speaking with industry stakeholders, including peak bodies, broadcasters and event organisers. It will also host several roundtables with musicians, venues, academic researchers and Commonwealth and State government agencies.

Committee Chair, Brian Mitchell MP, said, "The committee looks forward to continuing its deep dive into the operational and regulatory challenges facing the live music event industry.

"The committee is also looking forward to discussions in a roundtable format with the key music-related Commonwealth Arts agencies about how Australian live music is recognised and supported in Australia’s cultural policy Revive."

Mr Mitchell highlighted areas to be explored: "The rapidly changing face of the Australian live music industry; changing audience preferences post-pandemic—including new demographic behaviour, and how digitisation is impacting career pathways and business longevity."

The committee is keen to hear about the opportunities to foster live music as an important way to tell and maintain Australian stories, including through First Nations music.

"Members particularly hope to gain insights into how musicians are honing their craft, finding performance opportunities and engaging with audiences given discoverability challenges and how the royalties regime is impacting artists’ remuneration," Mr Mitchell said.

Details of the public hearings are below, with the full programs and terms of reference available on the inquiry webpage.

More information about the committee, including membership, may be found on the Committee’s website.

Public hearing details

Date: Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Time: 9.40am – 4pm
Location: Bristol Room, Royal on the Park, 152 Alice St, Brisbane

Date: Thursday, 25 July 2024
Time: 9am – 4.30pm
Location: The Map Rooms—The Michael Crouch Room, State Library of NSW, 1 Shakespeare Place, Sydney

Date: Friday, 26 July 2024
Time: 9am – 4.20pm
Location: The Map Rooms—The Michael Crouch Room, State Library of NSW, 1 Shakespeare Place, Sydney

These hearings will be broadcast live at



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Civics education inquiry to visit northern Australia

THIS WEEK the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters will hold public hearings and site visits in Maningrida and Darwin, Northern Territory (NT), and Cairns, Queensland as part of its inquiry into civics education, engagement, and participation in Australia.

Committee Chair, Kate Thwaites MP, said, "we want all Australians to be able to participate in our democracy and our elections. This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people living in regional and remote communities.

"A lack of appropriate electoral education, engagement and resourcing in remote communities means that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can be disconnected from civics, democracy and elections.

"There are now more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enrolled to vote at federal elections than ever before. But the Northern Territory still has some of the lowest voting turnout levels in Australia, and these visits are an essential step in learning how we can better support and empower regional and remote communities to engage with and learn about our democracy and our elections," Ms Thwaites said.

Across the three days, the committee will meet with regional councils, Land Councils, Aboriginal corporations, multicultural groups and youth organisations. The committee will also visit local schools to talk with young people about their experience of civics education.

Public hearings details

Date:               Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Time:              11.30am – 12.30pm (ACST)
Location:        Common Room, Maningrida Progress Association, Maningrida NT

Date:               Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Time:              9.30am – 1.15pm (ACST)
Location:        Peninsula Room, Hilton Garden Inn, Darwin NT

Date:               Thursday, 25 July 2024
Time:              12pm – 2.15pm (AEST)
Location:        Bolands 5, Bolands Centre, Cairns Qld

A live audio stream of the hearings will be available via the Parliament’s Watch, Read, Listen website.

Further information about the inquiry, including submissions received and past public hearings, is available on the inquiry webpage.



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