Business News Releases

Melbourne Stamp duty exemption to save up to 18,000 construction jobs - CFMEU

THE CFMEU has come out this week applauding the Victorian Government’s announcement to grant a stamp duty exemption on inner city residential developments amongst other property sector stimulus measures.

The announcement means no stamp duty will be paid on new residential property worth up to $1 million in the Melbourne local government area, and concessions of up to 100 percent on stamp duty if the property has been unsold for more than 12 months, for contracts entered from May 21, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

Melbourne city’s construction sector has been decimated by the pandemic, with only one new development beginning in construction in the last year. Many other developments with council approval to begin have been put on hold, according to the CFMEU

The vast majority of large scale commercial construction projects occurring in the city had all began pre pandemic, without these economic stimulus measures announced by the budget, there would be no work for the thousands of construction workers to move to once these projects conclude.

The CFMEU feared up to 18,000 jobs could have been lost by 2023.

Victorian state secretary of the CFMEU Construction and General Division, John Setka said while borrowing is cheap and investment in the property market around the world is still strong, this policy provided "an incredible opportunity for home buyers, investors, and the Victorian economy".

"We’re encouraged that the Victorian Government continue to recognise the strength of the construction industry and the important role we all play in driving and generating major employment and economic growth for our state," he said.

“With very few developments beginning since the pandemic, the industry was beginning to lay off workers. Stamp duty exemptions are a much needed economic stimulus measure for the entire Victorian economy.

“City based construction workers play a hugely important role in our state’s economy. The stamp duty exemption will play an important role in guaranteeing the jobs of thousands of construction jobs," Mr Setka said.

“Melbourne City’s construction sector took a major hit during COVID, and it’s still yet to recover. Thursday’s announcement is a lifeline for industry, home buyers and construction workers.”



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Reef restoration could stimulate aquaculture

THE House Agriculture and Water Resources Committee will discuss ways to harness the development of new technologies and mariculture methods in order to grow the aquaculture sector in Australia.

The Committee will speak to the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) this Thursday in the first public hearing for its inquiry into the Australian aquaculture sector. Witnesses will appear via videoconference.

Committee chair, Rick Wilson MP, said AIMS is the national authority on tropical marine science and has conducted ground-breaking research into coral reef restoration.

This has the potential to stimulate new opportunities for the aquaculture sector and provide meaningful employment in regional areas.

"Research and innovation are vital to ensuring the ongoing viability of aquaculture enterprises," Mr Wilson said. 

For further information, please visit the inquiry website.


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Unlocking Melbourne's economic prosperity beyond recovery

THE CITY of Melbourne is aiming to become one of the best cities on the globe for attracting businesses and jobs of the future, while also supporting traditional strengths such as international education and tourism.

Melbourne City Councillors this week endorsed a Draft Economic Development Strategy outlining actions and targets to make Melbourne thrive again as part of the City of Melbourne’s immediate response to COVID-19 and plans for the next 10 years.

Highlights include creating a business-friendly city by ensuring Melbourne is one of the easiest places to start and grow a business.

The City of Melbourne is committing to support small businesses by delivering an enhanced Business Concierge service and streamlining processes such as permits. A new entity, Invest Melbourne, would be established to facilitate major new investment proposals especially global headquarters and research and development centres.

Competitive innovation districts in City North, Arden and Fishermans Bend would be key to encouraging new industries to support innovation, drive economic growth, create more high-value jobs and attract talent and investment.

Support for students and the recovery and resurgence of Melbourne’s international education sector will include advocating for the safe return of international students in 2022, supporting returning students and establishing a one-stop digital community.

A new tourism entity, Visit Melbourne, would position Melbourne as the premier visitor destination in Australia. Investment in visitor experiences would include the redevelopment of Central Pier in Docklands, as well as the Docklands Media Precinct.

Other highlights in the Draft Strategy include a ‘Post-COVID 3000’ initiative to improve residential affordability in the central city, increase housing supply for city workers and advocate for measures to lower market entry costs.

Ideas include advocating for an exemption on stamp-duty for central city properties and removing land tax for build-to-rent developments for a period of two years.

The City of Melbourne engaged with industry and business leaders, precinct associations and state and federal governments to develop the Draft Economic Development Strategy.

Feedback will be sought from businesses and the community via Participate Melbourne.

Lord Mayor Sally Capp said of the strategic plan, “Pre-COVID, Melbourne was one of the fastest growing cities in the developed world and we are committed to nurturing our economic, social and cultural recovery.

“This Draft Economic Development Strategy provides goals and targets to drive growth and encourage new industries to invest in Melbourne. We want to make Melbourne thrive again – and that means supporting new and existing businesses that create jobs for Melburnians.

“We acted swiftly in response to COVID-19 to assist businesses, deliver essential services and support to the community, and advance recovery and reactivation.

“We know from past pandemics around the world that cities can recover to create a brighter future than they might have imagined, but to do so requires sound policy decisions and planning.”

Melbourne City Activation lead, Councillor Roshena Campbell said“The City of Melbourne is the most significant economic, cultural, sporting and social hub in Victoria with a $104 billion economy prior to COVID-19.

“Our future success will rely on ensuring Melbourne continues to be a globally distinctive place with thriving businesses and strong knowledge, creative and visitor economies.

“Fostering bright ideas, working collaboratively with all levels of government and drawing on the expertise of industry and business will help us overcome the challenges of COVID-19 and come out stronger.

“We look forward to gathering feedback from businesses and the community on these ideas and initiatives,” Cr Campbell said.


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Committee to review Strengthening Information Provisions Bill

THE Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has commenced a review into the Migration and Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Information Provisions) Bill 2020.

The bill review was referred to the Committee by the Alex Hawke MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs.

The Migration and Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening Information Provisions) Bill 2020 amends both the Migration Act 1958 and the Australian Citizenship Act 2007. The Bill amends the Migration Act to protect disclosure of confidential information provided by gazetted intelligence and law enforcement agencies where the information is used for decisions made to refuse or cancel a visa on character grounds, or revoke or set aside such decisions (Protected Information).

The Bill amends the Migration Act to introduce a Protected Information framework, which will:

  • provide that the High Court, the Federal Court or the Federal Circuit Court of Australia (the Federal Circuit Court) may order the Minister to produce or give in evidence Protected Information where the Court is satisfied that it is Protected Information and the production of it is for the purposes of substantive proceedings related to a decision to refuse or cancel a visa on character grounds, or revoke or set aside such a decision.

The Bill also amends the Citizenship Act to introduce provisions in order to protect Protected Information where the information is used for decision such as:

  • decisions to refuse to approve an application for citizenship;
  • to cease a person’s Australian citizenship if the person has engaged in specified conduct;
  • to make a determination by the Minister to cease a person’s Australian citizenship if the person has been convicted of a specified offence (and sentenced to at least three years’ imprisonment); renunciations of citizenship by conduct; and,
  • cessation of citizenship for service outside Australia in armed forces of an enemy country or a declared terrorist organisation.

Chair of the Committee, Senator James Paterson said, "The Committee will be interested to hear from various government and non-government submitters on the importance of protecting certain information as well as the balance between such protection and transparent government.”

The Committee requests submissions to the inquiry by 4pm, Friday, June 25, 2021.

Prospective submitters are advised that any submission to the Committee’s inquiry must be prepared solely for the inquiry and should not be published prior to being accepted by the Committee.

Further information about making a submission to a committee inquiry can be found at the following link.


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Landmark case deems Deliveroo drivers ‘employees’

TRANSPORT Matters Pary leader and Victorian Member for Easter Metropolitan, Rod Barton is celebrating the outcome of an unfair dismissal case against Deliveroo calling it "just the beginning".

The tribunal ruled that Deliveroo’s contracted couriers are in fact employees with rights to a minimum wage. Deliveroo had kicked rider Diego Franco off the platform last year for alleged lateness. D

Mr Franco had been provided only seven days notice and was informed of his termination via email.

This ruling could mean Deliveroo may have to provide backpay for lost wages, Mr Barton said.

Mr Barton believes this ruling sets a powerful precedent for the future of the gig economy.

“For too long these huge rideshare multinationals have been able to enter the Victorian market, exploit our communities and line their pockets with our hard-earned cash," Mr Barton said. "This ruling will show that there are consequences to treating our most vulnerable as a means to end and failing to provide employees with basic workers' rights.

“The gig economy continues to be under-regulated, with vulnerable workers allowed to fall through the cracks. The fact that rideshare drivers are not paid an industry minimum wage, do not receive superannuation, sick days or insurance makes absolutely clear the need for more government regulation in this sector.

“The fight for basic workers' rights is not over, this is just the beginning.”


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