Business News Releases

Improved reforms to counter espionage foreign interference in telecommunications sector

THE Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has endorsed the use of the Telecommunications Sector Security Reforms (TSSR), making six recommendations to improve its continued operation and address industry concerns. 

The TSSR reforms were enacted in September 2018 to help manage the national security risks of espionage, sabotage and foreign interference in Australia’s telecommunications networks and facilities.

The committee commenced a review in late 2020 to ensure the operation, effectiveness and implications of the reforms were being achieved in line with the original intention of the government and the PJCIS when legislated in 2018.

The committee today presented its recommendations which address industry concerns on the operation of the existing framework, as well as to complement the continued evolution of the government’s cybersecurity and critical infrastructure reform agenda.

The six recommendations cover:

  • ensuring that reforms and regulation are informed by the latest global network trends and threats;
  • ensuring that the aim of increased security and cyber-resilience is a central object of the Telecommunications Act 1997; and
  • increasing government and industry collaboration and information sharing in a collaborative working environment to ensure that threat-sharing is efficient, and that any further reforms are co-designed between industry and government to avoid regulatory duplication.

Chair of the committee, Senator James Paterson said the lives and livelihoods of Australians depended on safe and secure telecommunication networks and facilities.

"When our economy and way of life is so heavily reliant on telecommunication networks, this is an area of vulnerability that can be exploited by both state and non-state actors who may seek to cause us harm," Senator Paterson said.

"That’s why we need appropriate safeguards that empower both service providers and the government to protect our networks from national security risks.

"The Committee’s recommendations aim to refine the current operation of the reforms to help secure the telecommunications sector, to protect our economy and national security," Senator Paterson said.

Further information on the inquiry as well as a copy of the report can be obtained from the inquiry website.


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Lloyds Auctions offers Cellife RATS tests at $8 each for Australian businesses

AUSTRALIAN company, Lloyds Auctions is supplying more than 400,000 highly sensitive bulk Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) to Australian businesses as one of the nation’s cheapest tests available at $8 each.

“Aussie businesses have been left with only breadcrumbs to survive on during this pandemic, so we are choosing to help support struggling businesses by providing bulk quantities of Rapid Antigen Tests for only $8 each with no limits," Lloyds Auctions chief operations officer, Lee Hames said.

“As Josh Frydenberg commented today, it is time for the private sector to take the baton and continue to run hard,” stated Mr. Hames.

The 400,000 tests available are known as Cellife, one of the highest quality RAT tests on the market and available for distribution now.

"It should be recognised that not only have individuals been struggling to get these tests but both small and large Australian businesses, these are the people keeping our economy going and they are struggling to continue trading without having these Rapid Antigen Tests on hand," Mr Hames said.

"For this reason, we want to guarantee a supply to as many Australian businesses as possible allowing them to specify the quantity they need."

Lloyds Auctions has made similar contributions towards the community back in March 2020 at the start of the pandemic, when they were fortunate to receive thousands of bottles of sanitiser when Australia had next to nothing available. The team came together to give these sanitisers away to the community and have come into a similar circumstance yet again with these Rapid Antigen Tests.

"Like many Australian businesses struggling to trade during the pandemic we actually put a call out to our Lloyds family desperately asking for goods to sell on our site and someone replied saying they had hundreds of thousands of Rapid Antigen Tests for sale," Mr Hames said.

"Again, our team purchased tens of thousands of those which we gave away for free to individuals in need.

"The response so far has been overwhelming both physically and emotionally for our team who are passionate about helping people who are really struggling to find or afford these tests, but it is very rewarding, and people are extremely grateful," Mr Hames said.

RAT tests can be purchased on the Lloyds Auctions website at 

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1800 456 588 for a custom quantity of Rapid Antigen Tests for delivery until supply runs out.


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Good times roll in the Sunshine State as export values surge

LAST YEAR’s national trade figures are out – and it is great news for resource-rich Queensland.

According to the latest ABS data, in 2021 national resources and energy exports were up almost 30 percent on the previous year, setting a new Australian record of $348.9 billion.

Queensland Resources Council (QRC) chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the data showed national coal exports in the December quarter alone were valued at $23.8 billion, up almost 160 percent on the same quarter in 2020.

“LNG is a similar story, with exports in the December quarter valued at $18.3 billion, which is almost 150 percent higher than the same quarter the previous year,” he said.

Mr Macfarlane said the Queensland economy was the major beneficiary of a buoyant resources sector.

"Queensland Treasury figures show the total value of state exports rose by almost $16 billion last year to reach more than $79 billion,” he said.

“Around 80 percent (or $63 billion) of that amount comes directly from Queensland’s resources exports. Much of this growth was driven by coal, which is Queensland’s number one export and experienced a 45 percent (or $10.4 billion) increase in value over the past 12 months.

“That’s why it’s so important for our sector to get our response to climate change right - our industry supports the jobs of more than 420,000 people and 15,000-plus businesses around the state.

”We support our industry achieving net zero by 2050, and will be doing everything we can to lower our emissions and become more sustainable in the long-term using the best available technology.”

Mr Macfarlane said resources is by far Australia’s largest export earner, and the global outlook for coal, gas and metals is particularly strong.

“The latest forecasts estimate Australia's resources and energy exports will reach almost $380 billion this financial year, which will be another record result if that happens,” he said.

"The good news for Queensland is that a draft Queensland Resources Industry Development Plan is now in its final consultation phase, and once released will guide our industry’s transition over the next 30 years to a sustainable and prosperous future.

“The QRC and other industry groups have been consulting with the State Government on this plan over the past 12 months, to work out how to support responsible growth in the resources sector and set our state up for environmentally sustainable prosperity.

“This includes supporting our current strengths like coal, gas, aluminium and copper, as well as the emerging export markets for hydrogen, ammonia and battery and new economy minerals which are also a key part of Queensland’s future.”



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Intelligence Committee backs expansion of intelligence oversight mechanisms

THE Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security has backed the enactment of greater oversight of the intelligence community in a new bill, with amendments.

In its review of the Intelligence Oversight and Other Legislation Amendment (Integrity Measures) Bill 2020, tabled today, the committee supports the passage of the bill following implementation of four key recommendations.

The Bill proposes to expand the oversight jurisdiction of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (IGIS) to cover the intelligence functions of the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC); and expand the oversight of the PJCIS to cover the intelligence functions of AUSTRAC.

The Bill forms part of the government’s response to the 2020 ‘Richardson Review’ of intelligence legislation.

The committee has recommended that the bill be passed by Parliament following implementation of four other recommendations:

  • The remit of IGIS and PJCIS be further expanded to also cover the intelligence functions of the Australian Federal Police.
  • In addition to IGIS, PJCIS be similarly provided with an oversight role over ACIC.
  • The government review the scope and adequacy of legislative provisions relating to the retention and destruction of intelligence material.
  • The government consider convening a regular meeting of the heads of intelligence integrity agencies, to discuss coordination of their work and promotion of integrity within the National Intelligence Community.

"In an era of strategic competition in the Indo-Pacific and rapid technological change, the government is rightly providing record funding and new powers to our intelligence community to meet new challenges and evolving threats," PJCIS Chair, Senator James Paterson said.

"It is vital oversight and scrutiny keeps pace with these new capabilities to retain public confidence and ensure scarce resources are most effectively targeted to the most serious risks,"Sen. Paterson said.

Further information on the inquiry as well as a copy of the report can be obtained from the inquiry website.


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Victorian Government Commercial Tenancy Relief Extension welcomed by Accommodation Association

PEAK industry body, the Accommodation Association, today welcomed the Victorian Government Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme (CTRS) extension and new regulations and is encouraging all States and Territories to provide similar support.
Accommodation providers in Victoria are facing numerous challenges due to COVID-19. The latest outbreak has provided an additional challenge to the industry’s fledgeling recovery so this announcement provides much needed relief for hoteliers in the face of already weak consumer confidence.
Originally announced by Small Business Minister Jaala Pulford in July 2021, the Commercial Tenancy Relief Bill 2021 provided support to small and medium businesses. The extended scheme which will now run until March 15, 2022 will be available to businesses with turnover of less than $10 million and who have also suffered a decline of at least 30 percent in turnover.
This effectively gives small and medium businesses an additional two months of rent relief and protection.
The Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) will continue to provide mediation support to tenants and landlords if parties cannot reach a satisfactory agreement. 
Accommodation Association national general manager for advocacy, Bassel Tallal said, “This decision effectively grants our many accommodation providers the comfort and confidence to keep the lights on and the doors open whilst withstanding the challenges of the latest Omicron outbreak. With the unenviable combination of reduced consumer confidence, diminished foot traffic and staffing shortages, this extension is warmly welcomed.
“Small and medium accommodation providers can once again breathe easy with this extension and our members can now continue to focus on rebuilding their business and supporting their staff.
“The Accommodation Association believes the new regulations of this scheme represents the right balance as outlined by Minister Pulford.
“We sincerely thank the Victorian Government and Minister Pulford for extending the scheme, proactively consulting with industry and providing small and medium businesses with further relief and protection until mid-March.” 


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