Business News Releases

ARA and Hobart retailers celebrate long-awaited Myer redevelopment

PEAK retail industry body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has welcomed the recent announcement that the former Myer building in Liverpool St, Hobart will now be redeveloped.

ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said local retailers, including an ARA Tasmanian board member, are extremely pleased with the outcome delivered by the new Liberal Government and strongly supported by the ARA.

“We were very pleased to hear the news that Premier Will Hodgman approved a $15 million commercial loan that will enable developer ­Emmanuel Kalis to get his $100 million redevelopment of Myer off the ground.

“It has been almost seven years since fire destroyed the Myer store on Liverpool Street, and it is great to see that action is finally being taken to support the local retail sector.

“The ARA has long supported this initiative and looks forward to seeing how Myer’s redevelopment progresses. This is a strong move forward for Tasmania’s largest private employer - the retail sector,” Mr Zimmerman said.

Since 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has been the peak industry body representing Australia’s $265 billion retail sector, which employs over 1.2 million people. The ARA ensures retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia.

Visit or call 1300 368 041.


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Remove superannuation from awards - AMMA


AUSTRALIA’S resource industry employer group AMMA is calling for superannuation to be removed from industrial awards as retail and industry superannuation funds continue to battle over which should be the default for award-covered employees.

“This has degenerated into a complete mess,” says AMMA executive director, policy and public affairs, Scott Barklamb.

“Australia’s retail superannuation funds and industry superannuation funds are at war over the billions in contributions from working Australians who do not choose where their superannuation should be directed.”

AMMA says the review of which superannuation funds are named in industrial awards, designed by Julia Gillard and implemented by Bill Shorten, has become farcical, with two of the three superannuation experts appointed by Labor being disqualified or resigning due to potential conflicts of interest.

It has also placed the President of the Fair Work Commission in a very difficult position and led to his disqualification from heading the review by the Federal Court.

“The Abbott government should fix the mess it has been bequeathed by removing superannuation from the industrial awards system altogether,” Mr Barklamb says.

“Superannuation became a legislated entitlement more than 20 years ago and the My Super products now offer low-cost default fund options with no commission fees.

“There is simply no longer any need for awards to mandate the funds into which employee contributions should be made.

“We urge the government to review recent events in this area, including the Federal Court decision and yesterday’s response from the Fair Work Commission, and to commence a process to remove superannuation from the matters regulated by modern awards.

“The government should either introduce amending legislation or commence an independent expert inquiry, external to the Fair Work Commission, to consider what if any case there is for superannuation contributions to continue to be regulated by awards.

“Those who advocate for regulating default super through awards should be challenged on why this should continue.

“We particularly extend this invitation to the ACTU, union officials, and others who sit on the boards of industry superannuation funds.”




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ARA urges RBA to lower interest rates at its next meeting following sluggish retail trade results


PEAK retail industry body the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) said the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA) decision to keep the cash rate oh hold at 2.5 percent for the eighth consecutive month, although expected, was disappointing for retailers.

ARA Executive Director Russell Zimmerman said  today’s decision does little to ease the concerns that were raised after the Federal Budget announcement – including the impact that increased taxes will have on consumer spending and confidence.

“What we need to see now is every effort made not to harm consumer confidence further with a clear long term plan from Government to support consumers through future tax cuts and short term support from agencies such as the RBA.

“The ARA urges the RBA to cut interest rates in July given the concerns raised following the Federal Budget. It is also obvious, after todays’ retail trade results, that retailers are suffering after experiencing unseasonabaly warm weather in April and May.

“It’s being felt across the industry, from those selling winter coats and boots, to kitchenware products, such as soup makers and crockpots, electric blankets and heaters. Even if we get a sharp cold spell, it is now getting almost too late to purchase winter products.

“Interest rates must be reduced in order to aid in the growth for retailers and especially the SME sector,” Mr Zimmerman said.


Since 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has been the peak industry body representing Australia’s $265 billion retail sector, which employs over 1.2 million people. The ARA ensures retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 5,000 independent and national retail members throughout Australia.

Visit or call 1300 368 041.



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Business urges: Resolve dispute and pass the budget


VICTORIA's peak business body today urged Parliament to quickly resolve the current dispute and get back to the matters of vital importance to the state.

"Parliamentarians must focus on managing the business of parliament and debating important issues crucial to the financial future of Victoria,” says VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone.

“Most importantly they must pass the budget.

"Both parties must resolve the current dispute as a matter of urgency.

"The government has delivered a very good budget and business wants it to be passed and implemented.

“We support the fiscal management, the emphasis on infrastructure including Stage 2 of the East West Link, Melbourne Rail Link and the payroll tax rate reduction.

"However the current uncertainty raises questions for Australian and international businesses looking to invest in Victoria. The budget must be passed so Victoria remains open for business.

"In the coming months we expect both parties to put forward their priorities so Victorian business, and the community, can make a decision on how they will vote at the November election.”

VECCI's recently released Taking Care of Business state election agenda urges both major parties to commit to VECCI’s program to grow the Victorian economy.

"We are calling on the next government, regardless of party, to commit to our four key priorities: jobs, infrastructure, skills and international engagement,” says Mr Stone.

“VECCI has detailed its key recommendations across these four priorities and is seeking support for our recommendations.

"We hope the election brings a government with a clear majority and policies that drive greater investment confidence and business activity.”


The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) is the peak body for employers in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.



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Jump on board Victoria’s construction boom

THE construction industry employs almost 1 million Australians, or 8.6 per cent of all workers, which is the third largest workforce behind only the retail trade and health care industries.*

The industry is continuously expanding, and with the announcement of the upcoming road and rail projects, the Napthine Government has projected that 9,900* construction jobs in and around Melbourne will be created.

The Construction and Property Services Careers Hub will assist career seekers wanting to get a start in the industry and workers keen to advance or expand their skills, with information and guidance on current job opportunities, educational options for career transition and training and up-skilling initiatives.

With the imminent closure of the major automotive manufacturing facilities and the associated automotive parts manufacturers, many Victorian workers will be displaced. This group will be seeking advice to “reinvent their career”.

These workers may also be looking to the construction and property services sectors to provide a new career pathway.

The Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC), Master Builders Association Victoria, Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries Victoria, Complex Training Academy (representing the security industry), Real Estate Institute of Victoria, Trade Institute of Victoria and the National Association of Women in Construction will come together to form the hub.

“People attending the expo will be able to get first-hand information on how they can take advantage and position themselves for current and future career opportunities. The hub will become part of the largest careers and employment event in Melbourne this year, showcasing over 500 careers, ranging from plasterers to property valuers,” said Nicholas Ricciuti CEO of Reinvent Your Career. 

CPSISC CEO Alan Ross said that “attendees will get to experience the innovative Construction and Property Services Hub and meet key industry people who will assist with understanding the careers roadmap and accessing employers to help reposition their career.”

The Melbourne Reinvent Your Career Expo will be held on the 21st and 22nd of June 2014 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, from 10am to 4pm each day. Tickets are available at the door or online for $10 for a day pass or $15 for a two day pass, under 18 are free.

For more information please visit



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