Business News Releases

East West Link contract signing a win for Victoria

VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone said VECCI welcomes the announcement that the contract to build the eastern section of the East West Link project has been signed. 

"The signing increases certainty around the project for business and signals the Napthine Government’s commitment to ensuring Victoria remains open for business," Mr Stone said.

"It is positive to see that the eastern section is expected to create 3,700 jobs during construction, which is in excess of the previously forecasted 3,200 jobs. 

"The project has long been supported by VECCI as it will reduce congestion, make the movement of freight more efficient and improve the amenity of Melbourne’s growth areas."

The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) is the most influential organisation for employers in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.



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Full steam ahead for job creating coal project

QUEENSLAND's peak resources sector body says today’s Commonwealth Government approval of Adani Mining’s North Galilee Basin Rail (NGBR) project brings the creation of more than 10,000 jobs a step closer.

Chief Executive of the Queensland Resources Council Michael Roche says the approval, which follows the Commonwealth Government's approval of the Carmichael mine, as well as the Queensland Coordinator General's approval of the NGBR in August, is welcome good news, particularly for the people of Central Queensland. 

‘There’s not been much good news of late for our coal sector and its employees, so this is just the sort of news that will be very welcome, particularly in our regional communities,’ said Mr Roche.

‘I congratulate Adani on earning federal approval for this pioneering rail project, which will lead to the creation of vital jobs and confirm the long-term contribution of the coal industry to the state and the nation.

‘The approval of the new 300 kilometre rail project is a boon for Queensland and for the developers, Adani Mining and their partners, Korean industrial giant POSCO.

‘The rail project alone could provide up to 2400 new jobs, connecting the Carmichael Mine, north west of Clermont to the Port of Abbot Point, north of Bowen.

‘Regional communities including Alpha, Clermont, Emerald, Bowen, Moranbah, Mackay, Rockhampton and Townsville are all expected to benefit from development of the so-far untapped resources in the Galilee Basin.

‘Coal provides more than 40 percent of the world's electricity and is predicted to soon overtake oil as the largest source of primary energy.

‘Despite baseless claims from the anti-coal brigade, the demand for thermal coal is forecast to rise substantially over coming decades with Asia alone requiring extra 46 million tonnes per annum of imported coal according to analysts HDR Salva.’

‘At its peak, the Carmichael Mine is expected to produce 60mtpa – less than one and a half year's forecast demand growth.

‘We have seen activist groups try every trick in the book to disrupt and delay Galilee Basin projects, which not only delays the supply of electricity to the developing world but also economic benefits to Queensland, and regional communities in particular.'




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Acclaimed filmmaker Lord David Puttnam coming to Brisbane


BRISBANE has attracted academy-award winning film producer and education, digital and trade leader Lord David Puttnam to speak next month at the Brisbane Global Café.

Finance and Economic Development Chairman Councillor Julian Simmonds said the Brisbane Global Café is a first for a G20 host city and aimed to capitalise on the city’s status as the ‘capital of the world’ when we host the 2014 G20 Leaders Summit.

“The Brisbane Global Café is a two-day event at Brisbane City Hall on 12-13 November leading into the G20 Leaders Summit on 15 & 16 November, featuring speakers, workshops, and media conferences, as well as a series of events those involving the visit by Lord Puttnam,” Cr Simmonds said.

“Lord Puttnam is a legend of the film industry - His visit will be a coup for the city and the Brisbane Global Café.

“Lord Puttnam will speak a public seminar at Griffith University on Monday, 6 October as part of its ‘Cinema of Hope: Producing for Screen and Society in the 21st Century’, and the following day, he will present at ‘A Conversation with Lord David Puttnam’ luncheon at Room Three Sixty, QUT Gardens Point Campus.”

Cr Simmonds said Lord Puttnam had produced films including Chariots of Fire,The Killing Fields, Midnight Express, The Mission and Local Hero. In 2010 he was President of the International Jury for the Asia Pacific Screen Awards.

“Lord Puttnam is a legend of the industry. His films have won 10 Oscars, including Best Picture for Chariots of Fire, as well as 25 BAFTAs and the Palme D’Or at Cannes,” Cr Simmonds said.

“He retired from film production in 1998 to focus on his work in public policy but retains a strong and active interest in national and global policy for film and the wider creative and communications industries. He is now the chair of Atticus Education, an online education company based in Ireland.

“The former Chancellor of the Open University UK and Sunderland University, he is the UK Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Burma, as well as the Irish Government’s ‘Digital Champion’.”

To book tickets to lunch with Lord Puttnam on Tuesday 7 October, go to or to book tickets to Lord Puttnam’s Griffith University lecture on Monday 6 October, go

For more information on the Brisbane Global Cafe visit


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VECCI welcomes State Government’s continued support for Victoria-Jiangsu Business Placement program

VECCI welcomes today’s announcement by the State Government that it will continue to support the Victoria-Jiangsu Business Placement (VJBP) program for the benefit it will bring to Victorian business.

“Stronger ties with China, Victoria’s largest trading partner, represent significant growth opportunities for Victorian business and an avenue to showcase what our great state has to offer,” said VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone. 

“The program also enables cross-border collaboration, at both government and industry levels, through closer relations between Victoria and our sister state of 34 years, Jiangsu Province.”

The VJBP program was formed by VECCI, the Jiangsu Federation of Industry and Commerce (JFIC) and the Jiangsu Economic and Information Technology Commission (JEITC), with the support of the Victorian Government. The program enables Victorian businesses to travel to China to get a first-hand insight into Chinese businesses and promote Victoria as a place to do business.

The Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VECCI) is the peak body for employers in Victoria, informing and servicing more than 15,000 members, customers and clients around the state.


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COSBOA pleased with draft recommendations from Harper review


THE Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA) has congratulated Professor Ian Harper and the Review Board on the draft recommendations from the competition review released yesterday, but has also warned Australians to watch out for a campaign led by big business aimed at maintaining their dominance.

Peter Strong, Chief Executive of COSBOA said, “The draft shows that Minister for Small Business, Bruce Billson got the terms of reference right and we applaud him, Professor Harper and his team for all their work so far.

“We’re pleased to see the review has looked at urban planning and its impact on competition and that the effects test has also remained, although it’s still early days and we are yet to seek clarification on what it will actually mean to small business.

“We are concerned, however, about the reaction of big business to the proposed effects test. They have over-reacted, and unless there’s some underlying issue around their need to dominate through the suppression of competition, we don’t understand their panic," said Mr Stong.

The pharmacy industry is another area of big concern adds Mr Strong; “Allowing Coles and Woolworths to enter the pharmaceutical market would turn the provision of medicines into a profit making exercise instead of a health service.

“Pharmacists offer good service and build a relationship with their local community in order to make a living from their business. Coles and Woollies are only interested in profits, not people.

“Healthy competition should benefit consumers, economic productivity and our culture,” Mr Strong concluded.




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