Business News Releases

NSW Government releases steady infrastructure budget

The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has commended the NSW Government for delivering a Budget that focuses on infrastructure, while running a surplus in 2016-17.

ARA Executive Director, Russell Zimmerman said the NSW State Budget builds on economic strength for the state, assisting retail sales growth while supporting retail businesses and employment through continued skills funding and tax relief.

“The 2017-18 Budget released today focuses on delivering infrastructure projects that NSW communities need, with long term holes in infrastructure slowly being fixed for the first time in decades,” Mr Zimmerman said.

From January next year, businesses with an annual turnover of less than $2 million will be exempt from paying duties on insurance for work vehicles, professional indemnity and public liability.

The ARA also welcomes the increased support for the Business Connect Programme in helping small businesses to plan and adapt.

“As always, the industry needs the Government to further reduce business taxes to sustain retail growth,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“The tax cuts on business transactions is an important step for retailers making decisions to improve their operations.”

The ARA further congratulates the NSW Government for their $96 million commitment to the Jobs for NSW initiative which ARA members have participated in to stimulate jobs growth across NSW.

Retailers will also welcome stamp duty cuts with exemptions for homes worth up to $650,000, and discounts for purchases up to $800,000 for new homebuyers as these initiatives will stimulate consumer spend.

“These business cuts, along with the homebuyers’ stamp duty cuts will help grow retail spend across the industry,” Mr Zimmerman said.

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.


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Tourism rebounds after Cyclone Debbie

PARLIAMENT's Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia will hold public hearings at Airlie Beach and Hamilton Island for its inquiry into Opportunities and Methods for Stimulating the Tourism Industry in Northern Australia on Sunday 25 June and Monday 26 June 2017.

The region recently bore the brunt of Cyclone Debbie and the tourism industry has rebounded and is gearing up for the 2017 season.

The Committee Chair, Warren Entsch MP, said North Queensland has bounced back after Cyclone Debbie and the Committee will be talking to the major tourism operators in the region.

“A wide variety of tourism experiences are offered in the Whitsunday Islands including island resorts and small businesses on the mainland. In the face of extreme weather events, business resilience is key to the success of an industry that is vital to the local economy,” Mr Entsch said.

The Committee will receive evidence from resort operators and small tourism operators on the mainland as well as from the region’s tourism representative bodies.


Public hearing details:

HAMILTON ISLAND: 9.45 am to 1.00 pm, Sunday, 25 June 2017, Ketch Room, Yacht Club, Hamilton Island

AIRLIE BEACH: 9.45 am to 2.35 pm, Monday, 26 June 2017, Mantra Club Croc, Shute Harbour Road, Cannonvale

The hearing will be broadcast live (audio only) at  

The hearing program and further information about the Committee’s inquiry, including the terms of reference is available on the Committee’s website.

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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Retailers congratulate the Parliament for implementing 'tax equality'

THE Australian Retailers Association (ARA) congratulated the Parliament for passing the low-value GST for offshore tangible goods under $1000 as it said this legislation would improve tax fairness for Australian retailers.

Russell Zimmerman, Executive Director of the ARA, said they have been working with the Federal and State Governments since 2008 to reduce the Low Value Threshold (LVT) and provide a level playing field for Australian retailers.

“Today the Australian retail industry received a big win, as this much-needed GST will significantly assist our local retailers when trading against our international counterparts,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“This new legislation will create a fairer tax system for Australian retailers who are currently operating in a tough trading environment.”

The ARA congratulate the Parliament for passing this Bill but are extremely disappointed that the legislation won’t be implemented until July 1, 2018.

“We are disappointed there will be a 12 month delay before overseas retailers start collecting this tax, but we look forward to Australian retailers finally being given a fair chance,” Mr Zimmerman said.

“This legislation will mean our local retailers will be able to trade on the same level playing field as our international competitors.”

The ARA will continue to work with the Government and Productivity Commission to seek the most efficient system in collecting this GST.

“We will be talking to our members to ensure this legislation is implemented correctly,” Mr Zimmerman said.

About the Australian Retailers Association:

Founded in 1903, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) is the retail industry’s peak representative body representing Australia’s $310 billion sector, which employs more than 1.2 million people. The ARA works to ensure retail success by informing, protecting, advocating, educating and saving money for its 7,500 independent and national retail members throughout Australia. For more information, visit or call 1300 368 041.



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RQ welcomes green-light to Tabcorp combination with Tatts Group

RACING Queensland CEO Dr Eliot Forbes has welcomed the decision by The Australian Competition Tribunal to approve the $11 billion combination of Tabcorp and Tatts Group.

The decision was handed down by Justice Middleton of the Australian Competition Tribunal at the Federal Court in Melbourne this morning.

Dr Forbes said the Tabcorp-Tatts combination will deliver for the Queensland Racing Industry.

"This combination provides greater certainty for the racing industry in this state," Dr Forbes said.

“RQ signed a deed of understanding with Tabcorp in March to ensure that the merger would bring meaningful benefits to the Queensland racing Industry.”

As part of the Deed of Understanding Tabcorp committed to an increase in capital investment in the Queensland wagering business (currently UBET) across retail and on-course wagering facilities, as well as committing to implementing increases in investments in technology, sponsorships and marketing.

“The majority of our funding comes from the Queensland wagering business, so this agreement is important to underpin future returns.”

The combined Tabcorp-Tatts business will assist with investment in infrastructure and product and channel innovation to enhance the digital and retail customer experience, driving further growth for Queensland racing.

“RQ is looking forward to working with Tabcorp to grow and enhance the Queensland racing industry,” said Dr Forbes.


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Resource records reset with exports up $8 billion

THE latest figures from the resource industry shows records tumble with an $8 billion increase in exports, however it’s not all good news as the Queensland Resources Council’s (QRC) quarterly sentiment survey highlights concerns about government policy uncertainty.

Every quarter, the QRC conducts its CEO sentiment survey that reveals what Queensland resources chiefs predict will affect their businesses over the coming year.

QRC Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said the latest results showed, that for the fifth quarter in a row, regulatory uncertainty was the chief concern for the resource bosses.

“The most recent data shows that Queensland’s resource industry is alive and kicking, as records tumble with the QRC’s State of the Sector value index soaring a massive 78 percent in the December 2016 quarter, to the highest level on record,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“In the December 2016 quarter, the value of Queensland’s resource exports grew by an extraordinary $8 billion dollars, which is enough to build 24 new stadiums for Townsville, or two and half times the amount needed to pay the Solar Bonus Scheme’s stream of subsidies out to 2028.

“With Queensland’s population just under five million people, $8 billion is the equivalent of each of us getting a cheque for a $1,600.

“Over the past decade, the value of Queensland’s resources has tripled. That’s an extraordinary achievement that should see the industry feted as the backbone of the state’s economy.

"The impressive performance was driven by strong price increases for coking coal, thermal coal, lead, zinc and copper. Sadly however, it was not all good news in the report, the CEO sentiment index tells a different story and delivered mixed results.

“The impact of poor or uncertain regulation continues to act as a wet blanket for industry and has been the number one concern for member CEOs for five consecutive quarters, who warn that the real pain from regulatory uncertainty is felt in the long term,” Mr Macfarlane said.

Some of the member company CEO quotes include:

“Government policy is very volatile at present and it is difficult to allocate long lead capital with any certainty the legislation will be the same when the projects are delivered.”

“Resource industry companies need greater certainty with respect to regulation in order to commit to projects.”

“The current regulatory environment in Queensland is dreadful – in particular the environment department is acting as a ‘policeman’ rather than collaboratively working with companies to identify and resolve potential issues.”

Mr Macfarlane said, while the macro-economic outlook and access to capital had improved by 10 and 25 percent respectively since the March quarter 2016, the global macro-economy and social licence to operate remain major concerns for member CEOs.


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