Business News Releases

CropLogic to list on ASX today

CROPLOGIC LIMITED (ASX: CLI) (CropLogic), the predictive decision support system for agricultural growers, has received its official admission letter from the ASX, and is set to list on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) today, September 12, 2017 at 11am (EST).

The Company is also pleased to announce that with the market’s impressive response to the Company’s Prospectus offering, announced on 14 July, and further to the announcement on 16 August 2017, that the offer was fully subscribed, offers in excess of $9 million were received through the IPO process. As such the Company closed the offer with the fully subscribed target of $8 million through the issuing of 40 million ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.20 per share, with $5 million of the capital raised underwritten by Hunter Capital Advisors.

This follows previous successful capital raisings including the oversubscribed $2 million Pre-IPO round as announced on 10 May 2017 with a total in excess of $11 million being raised in the preceding 12 months.

Jamie Cairns, Managing Director of CropLogic, said“CropLogic’s ASX listing is the foundation for our international growth plans, and we are delighted to have witnessed such a tremendous response from the market. Hunter Capital Advisors have certainly delivered for us after initially closing out our pre-IPO raise in such a concise manner and then the recent IPO process subsequently being oversubscribed.

“The funds raised will be used to grow the business, fund market development, research and development and provide a healthy level of working capital.”

The Initial Public Offering (IPO) comes after previous funding rounds that have been well received with CropLogic announcing in May 2017 that it had oversubscribed its $2 million pre-IPO funding round in preparation for the Company’s anticipated listing on the ASX.

CropLogic’s listing on the ASX also follows the Company’s recent announcement of the acquisition of North-West USA-based agronomy services company, Professional Ag Services Inc. The acquisition provided CropLogic with strategic access to the lucrative North American agricultural industry, and an established immediate channel to further the Company’s presence and develop grower and processor relationships in the three key agricultural states in the USA.


Building on technology developed over 30 years out of The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research, a New Zealand Crown Research Institute, and over 600 field trials in four nations, the CropLogic system gathers field data, via in-field sensors coupled with satellite communications, before processing that through its proprietary technology to provide decision support to growers to help them improve the productivity of their crops.

Successful trials of the CropLogic system have been completed on potatoes in China, USA, Australia and New Zealand with four of the major multinational potato processors. Further to this, CropLogic is poised to start trials of the CropLogic system in other commodities such as corn, wheat, soybean and cotton.

CropLogic currently serves approximately 60,000 acres of high-value crops in the USA.


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The strategic importance of Australia’s Indian Ocean Territories

STRENGTHENING Australia’s strategic commitment to its Indian Ocean Territories whilst supporting the economic and social wellbeing of local communities was the key focus of a report released today by the Joint Committee on the National Capital and External Territories.

The Committee’s inquiry examined the strategic importance of the Indian Ocean Territories, located off Australia’s northwest coast.

Committee Chair, Ben Morton MP, said, “The inquiry canvassed the changing regional security environment and security contingencies in the Indian Ocean region—home to growing economies and an important trade route for Australia. The region is witnessing growing competition among growing powers, and these rapidly expanding interests in the region require a deeper understanding of this dynamic strategic environment.”

The Committee recommended that the Australian Government support the development of both defence and multi-purpose infrastructure in the region and strengthen Australia’s multilateral engagement with its Indo-Pacific partners. The Committee also recommended an inquiry at least every five years that considers the Indian Ocean Territories and Australia’s engagement with the Indian Ocean region more broadly.

Mr Morton said that there was an underlying need for the Australian Government to engage more actively with local communities on Christmas Island and in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

As part of the inquiry, the Committee had the opportunity to meet with and hear from local residents who live and work in the communities on Christmas Island and in the Cocos Islands.

In highlighting the Committee’s recent visit to the Indian Ocean Territories, Mr Morton noted, “It was clear that the local communities are interested in contributing to the decision-making process regarding the Australian Government’s activities on the Islands”. This, he said, was one of the themes of the Committee’s report.

Mr Morton was particularly appreciative of the contribution to the inquiry by local communities, and noted that “the Committee is immensely grateful to the communities on Christmas Island and in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands for their warm welcome, openness and constructive dialogue during our visit.”

The Committee’s report and further details about the inquiry—including submissions, terms of reference, and the public hearing transcripts—can be obtained from the Committee’s website.


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Leading urban planning professor to appear before committee

WITH a career spanning multiple decades and continents, Professor Barbara Norman is well qualified to participate in the Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities’ inquiry into the Australian Government’s role in the development of cities.

The Life Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australian and Australian Centenary Medal recipient will share her views on how our cities and regional centres can be set on a more sustainable development trajectory at a public hearing on Tuesday evening.

Professor Norman said, “Australia is one of the very few, if not only, OECD nation not to have a national plan for settlement and growth. While much of the planning and development of our cities remains the responsibility of states and local councils, the scale of urban growth is now at a level that affects national interests.”

“Australia urgently needs a national sustainable development strategy that clearly outlines the vision for 2030, and beyond to 2050.”

Committee Chair, John Alexander OAM MP, said the Committee is interested to hear ideas for achieving greater coordination in the development of cities between different levels of government.

“A plan for settlement is essential for the future development of our cities and our regions,” said Mr Alexander.

“I’m looking forward to hearing Professor Norman’s suggestions on how Commonwealth activities can complement those of state and local governments.”


Public hearing details: 5pm – 6.30pm, Tuesday 12 September, Committee Room 1R3, Parliament House, Canberra

5.00 pm: Professor Barbara Norman via teleconference
6.30 pm: Close

The hearing will be broadcast live at

Further information on the inquiry, including the full terms of reference, is available on the Committee website.


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Driving Tourism in Northern Australia

THE Parlimentary Northern Australia Committee will hold a public hearing in Canberra on Thursday, 14 September as part of its Inquiry into Opportunities and Methods for Stimulating the Tourism Industry in Northern Australia.

The Committee Deputy Chair, Warren Snowdon MP, said drive tourism was an important sector of the domestic tourism market.

“Each year thousands of Australians from the southern states spend their holidays driving the northern Australian roads, significantly contributing to the regional economy,” Mr Snowdon said.

“The progressive sealing of more connecting roads in Northern Australia will provide tourists towing caravans and camper trailers with increased access to tourism venues across the region. Are local councils and local tourism operators 'tourism-ready' for a potential influx of drive tourists?” he asked.

The Committee will hear evidence from the Australian Caravan Club, Big4 Holiday Parks, and the Australian Hotels Association (NT).


Public hearing details: 9:05 am to 10:45 am, Thursday 14 September, Committee Room 1R6, Parliament House, Canberra

For the hearing program, please see the committee's website.

The hearing will be broadcast live (audio only) at

Further information about the Committee’s inquiry, including submissions and the terms of reference, is also available on the committee’s website.


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Policy forum unites small business sector

AN ALLAINCE of small business organisations is being formed to present a united front on policy issues of mutual interest.

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell, says the group will consider making joint submissions on the Federal Budget and other consultations.

“The small business sector is fragmented to some degree along state and industry lines,” Ms Carnell said.

“Different organisations and states sometimes have different issues they want to push with governments.

“There are also common issues which don’t always get presented strongly enough because of the fragmentation.”

Ms Carnell said her office hosted a policy forum with representative organisations to discuss a united approach on matters where there is broad agreement.

These included the complexity of workplace relations, human capital (skills shortages, skills training and immigration), energy costs and supply, access to justice, NBN and cyber security.

Working groups are being established to develop common policy before Budget submissions.

Citing energy as an example, Ms Carnell said reliable supply and fair pricing were vital for small business success.

“The complexity of energy plans and prices means many small businesses lack understanding of the market and experiences vary greatly across the country,” she said.

“The media and political focus is on alleviating price pain for household consumers, which leaves small business vulnerable to price gouging by electricity retailers.

“The working groups will inform submissions to potential future inquiries and advocate for better consideration of small businesses in the economy.”

The ASBFEO is also establishing a small business hub in Canberra, where representative organisations can access office accommodation and facilities to undertake business in the capital.

Small business organisations interested in the policy forum or the Canberra hub can call ASBFEO on 1300 650 460.


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