Business News Releases

Hike in minimum wage would savage small business

AN INCREASE to the minimum wage as suggested by Labor yesterday would be a devastating blow to small business operators across Australia, said the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman today.

“Let’s be quite clear that this proposal is a war on small business, not big business,” Ombudsman KateCarnell said.

“The greatest impact would be on businesses that use awards, and that is small to medium businesses, which make up more than 97 percent of businesses in Australia.

“Nearly half of our small business owners already earn less than the minimum wage and for these people, an increase in awards will mean job losses, limited employment opportunities and businesses closing.”

Ms Carnell said the consequences of hiking the minimum wage need to be thoroughly investigated; particularly the impact it will have on small businesses.

“A reality check on this issue is certainly required.

“The sentiment coming through this morning from small business is that they are already doing it tough.

“They are saying they would like to pay themselves and their employees more, but are literally struggling to pay their ever increasing business bills.

“When 97 percent of Australian businesses cannot afford to employ more people, the spark of confidence and potential for economic growth we are seeing will be extinguished.”


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Public hearings on political donations and Section 44

THE FEDERAL Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters is holding three days of public hearings focussing on political donations and Section 44 of the Constitution.

Committee Chair Senator Linda Reynolds said the Committee would be hearing from subject matter experts in relation to these matters referred to the Committee for review. 

The public hearings relate to three of the Committee’s inquiries:

  • Inquiry into the 2016 federal election (review of political donations);
  • Inquiry into matters relating to Section 44 of the Constitution; and
  • Inquiry into the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017.

Public hearing programs are available on the respective websites for each inquiry via  

Public hearing details:

  • Canberra
    Wednesday 31 January, from 9:30am to 4:40pm in room 2S3
  • Melbourne
    Thursday 1 February, from 9:00am to 4:30pm in room G6, 55 St Andrews Place
  • Sydney
    Friday 2 February, from 8:40am to 1:10pm in the Jubilee Room, Parliament of NSW

A live broadcast will be available at

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website


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Steinhoff Asia Pacific claims insulation from parent company woes

STEINHOFF Asia Pacific Group Holdings Pty Ltd (Steinhoff Asia Pacific) operates a number of high performing retail brands in Australia and New Zealand including Freedom, Fantastic Furniture, Best & Less, Snooze, Harris Scarfe, Plush, OMF, Postie and Bay Leather Republic. 

Group CEO of Steinhoff Asia Pacific, Michael Ford said: “The Steinhoff Asia Pacific business is an independent, profitable and financially strong business delivering positive cash flows.  The business has its own banking facilities here in Australia. 

"Steinhoff Asia Pacific is not party to any of the banking facilities of its parent company Steinhoff International Holdings N.V. In addition, the Steinhoff Asia Pacific business is not dependent on working capital support from our parent company, Steinhoff International N.V.

Mr ford said Steinhoff Asia Pacific continues to work constructively and openly with its local banking partners in Australia.  To reinforce its commitment to the local market and the strength of its local businesses, Steinhoff Asia Pacific has appointed Minter Ellison and Ferrier Hodgson to provide strategic advice in relation to legal, financial and corporate matters.

He said Steinhoff Asia Pacific’s local banking partners supported these appointments. Mr Ford said the appointment of experienced advisors was a prudent step by Australian management in circumstances where its parent company is working through significant uncertainty.  Steinhoff Asia Pacific and its business are not in distress and are trading normally, he said.

Michael Ford added: “For all our brands in the Steinhoff Asia Pacific group, and our 10,000 employees, it is business as usual.  We are now in our peak trading period and have had some exceptionally strong trading across our retail brands. 

"Total system sales (including franchisee sales) across Australia and New Zealand are up 3.1 percent for the 12 months ended 30 November 2017 compared to the same period in the prior year.  And for the month of December so far, System sales are up 12.4 percent compared to the same period last year. 

"These are healthy sales figures for a business group that is clearly performing well.”


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Chinese Government companies must respect western culture: Clive Palmer

BHP CEO Andrew Mackenzie got it right when he said the Chinese must respect western culture according to the chairman of Mineralogy, Clive Palmer.

"Mineralogy has stood as the last sentry at the gate of Australian freedom and respect for the law  as Chinese Government owned companies have tried to steal Mineralogy resources,’’ Mr Palmer said in Brisbane today.

"What is worse is Australian governments have tried to help them by persecuting me and bowing to Chinese Government pressure.

"At the forefront of Australian values is respect for the rule of law and the independence of our judicial system.

“Respect needs to be shown in dealing with the government. It is a major mistake for groups associated with the Chinese government to fund Australian political parties such as the Labor Party and the Liberal Party.

“Chinese Australians, like all Australians, value Australian way of life. It is in the interest of all members of the Australian community to defend and protect our way of life and the rule of law,’’ Mr Palmer said.

“I would urge the leaders of the Labor and Liberal parties to instruct their parties and members not to receive foreign Government inspired donations and stand firm and protect the  rule of law in Australia,’’ he said.

Mineralogy has recently received a judgement in its favour for US$153 million against the largest Chinese Government owned company in the world, Citic Limited.

The Chinese-Government-owned company still has not paid the judgement and continues to export Australian resources without paying, Mr Palmer said.


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Elkes Oils - Building an online business to target international markets.

After developing a range of natural health products, Elke of Elke's Oils contacted us about building an online store. In addition to the ecommerce functionality, the site would also need to support multiple languages.


One of her biggest market opportunities is in China so being able to offer content in Mandarin would give Elke a competitive edge.

At the same time, she wanted to give her loyal local customers an easy way to purchase products and offer them special deals.

Services delivered in the building of included:

  • Product Photography
  • Website Design
  • Multi-language support e-Commerce Store
  • Facebook Marketing Setup

Thesite was built using the UIKit framework and an ecommerce solution called Hikashop. By utilising Joomla's robust multi-language system, we were able to offer a seamless switch between English and the Mandarin content supplied by Elke's translators.

The build included custom shipping pricing, product factsheets, and the option for customers to choose either Paypal or Alipay.

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