Business News Releases

Tax policy changes ahead: what's at stake?

THE TWO major political parties are foreshadowing divergent tax changes but it will be left to tax agents who fully understand the implications to advise their clients on what it all means, according to the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA).

“The upcoming tax season will be the last opportunity for our members before the next election to communicate what these policy changes will mean for their clients, so we want them to explain the ramifications of what is proposed for informed decision making,” said IPA chief executive officer, Andrew Conway.

Labor policies mentioned so far:

  1.  A restoration of the company tax rate to the full 30% coupled with a possible lower rate for smaller corporate entities with turnover less than $2M;
  2. Higher personal tax rates at the top end and lower personal tax rates at the lower end;
  3. An increase in the Medicare levy to 2.5% coupled with a more generous Medicare levy arrangement for lower paid workers than currently available;
  4. A prohibition on negatively gearing investment properties other than newly built investment properties;
  5. A halving of the capital gains tax (CGT) discount to 25% for individuals;
  6. A minimum tax of 30% on all distributions from discretionary trusts;
  7. A denial of any refund in respect of excess imputation credits;
  8. A new deduction (the Australian Investment Guarantee) which will enable a 20% deduction in respect of the purchase of any new eligible asset worth more than $20,000;
  9. Capping of deductions for managing tax affairs to a maximum of $3,000; and
  10. Whistle-blower rewards for tax evasion.

In contrast the Coalition current tax policies (prior to May Budget) are:

  1. A reduced corporate tax rate for all companies eventually with a target rate of 25%;
  2. A likely reduction in personal tax rates particularly for income levels up to $100,000 – the exact details are unknown but should become clearer after the May 8 budget;
  3. Apart from the already announced increase to the Medicare levy to 2.5% no further change in current arrangements;
  4. No change to current arrangements regarding negative gearing of investment property;
  5. No change to the CGT discount which currently sits at 50% for individuals;
  6. No change to the current arrangements regarding trust distributions from discretionary trusts;
  7. No change to the current arrangements regarding imputation in particular, full refund of excess imputation credits; and
  8. No changes in relation to depreciation - the $20,000 immediate asset write-off available to 30 June 2018 is not currently being extended by the Coalition. That may change in the May 8 budget.

“Our key concern is that none of the political parties are talking about holistic tax reform where the total tax mix is taken into consideration.  Without bold and all-encompassing reform we will still be drowning with a raft of inefficient taxes which stifle growth,” said Mr Conway.


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Resources sector helps Queensland secure strongest national jobs growth

THE Queensland resources sector has helped the state achieve the strongest annual growth in trend employment in Australia based on jobs data released today.

Queensland Resources Council Chief Executive Ian Macfarlane said the Australian Bureau of Statistics has reported Queensland’s annual job growth was 4.3 percent ahead of all other States and Territories, outpacing nearest rivals the Australian Capital Territory (3.9%) and New South Wales (3.6%).

“Queenslanders are the winners with this strong growth in jobs, and I am proud the resources sector is contributing so much of this growth,” he said.

“Last financial year, direct full-time equivalent jobs in the resources sector grew by 12.7 percent to 38,150.

“Across the state, the resources sector supports one in every eight jobs.

“We are seeing more growth with online jobs site SEEK identifying a year-on-year growth of 10.3 percent of advertised vacancies in the mining and energy sectors.

“The signals for future growth are strong.”

Mr Macfarlane said while Queensland’s unemployment rate remained at 6 percent, the resources sector was determined to work with its industry and government partners to drive up opportunities and drive down unemployment.

The Queensland Resources Council is the peak representative body for Queensland's resource industry. The Queensland resources industry provides one in every $6 dollars in the Queensland economy, sustains one in eight Queensland jobs, and supports more than 16,400 business across the State all from 0.1 percent of Queensland's land mass.


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CeBIT: Investing in our start-ups for the future of business

THE CeBIT Australia StartUp Conference and PitchFest 2018 will bring a fresh wave of innovative technology ideas to the showfloor.

The Australian start-up industry is growing with overseas investments totalling over US$555 million last year. New South Wales, the host state of CeBIT Australia, produces 44 percent of the nation’s start-ups, and the recently opened Sydney Startup Hub in Sydney’s CBD has been a landmark $35 million government investment to ensure the start-up ecosystem continues to thrive. 

A collaboration of resources between CeBIT Australia, the NSW Government, the Australian Computer Society and the Business Centre, will see more than 80 start-ups set to feature ingenious, new-wave technologies on the showfloor at CeBIT Australia from May 15-17, 2018.

The NSW Government will showcase the state’s very latest tech talent leading the future of business, from engineers who merge artificial intelligence and machine learning creating biometric technologies, to industrial design for hi-tech devices in medical, agriculture, industry and consumer industries. The NSW Government-backed, Jobs for NSW, will also be showcasing 16 start-ups assisted through its support programs.

Acting Premier, John Barilaro, MP, said start-ups were accelerating innovation and generating jobs for the economy.

“Here in NSW, we’re doing everything we can to create the right environment for people to have the confidence to launch and the support they need to give their start-up the best chance of success," Mr Barilaro said.

“Start-ups are the future of our economy and with the right backing they can develop and deliver new products and services that lead to jobs for the people of NSW and Australia.

“Our state is the nation’s start-up capital and the NSW Government is proud to showcase the latest and best of our NSW start-ups at CeBIT Australia,” said Mr Barilaro.

Harvey Stockbridge, managing director of Hannover Fairs Australia commented on the new start-up exhibition zones on the showfloor.

“CeBIT Australia hosts the largest start-up showcase in Asia-Pacific," Mr Stockbridge said. "This year the CeBIT StartUp hub features a fantastic series of presentations on the FutureTech Stage. IoT, FinTech, AI and Machine Learning, and the start-up industry itself will all be covered by leading industry experts.

"The StartUp Zone will feature three StartUp Co-Working spaces, a new feature for 2018 which allows start-ups the opportunity to meet new potential clients, business partners or investors, network and share ideas, and engage with VCs and angels on the showfloor,” said Mr Stockbridge.

The renowned CeBIT StartUp Conference, on Thursday 17 May will deliver a series of inspirational sessions, where a host of experts will participate in panel discussions and presentations about the growth, challenges and opportunities for start-ups.

The StartUp Conference will begin with a presentation by Amadeus on ‘The Sweet Spot – why start-ups should target that 21st business problem,’ while the rest of the conference is made up of three panel discussions covering key questions of the start-up community:

  • Demystifying VC’s – A frank chat about what actually happens at a venture capital firm;
  • Building a Global Business;
  • Accelerator / Incubator / Co-working hub “what you need to know” series.

Following the StartUp Conference is CeBIT Australia’s highly successful PitchFest contest showcasing 10 finalists, who will actively pitch their innovations and technologies to a panel of expert judges in front of an audience of fellow start-ups, investors and potential customers.

Previous winners of CeBIT Australia PitchFest have gone on to become multi-million-dollar, multinational companies. Previous winners include the Look Who's Charging merchant database which helps Australians easily identify the merchants that charge to our credit cards, NetHealth which provides comprehensive software solutions for the medical industry, and the revolutionary TouchOne Smartwatch Keyboard.

CeBIT Australia’s StartUp conference and PitchFest are free to attend. CeBIT PitchFest is one of Australia’s premier start-up launch pad platforms. This year’s finalists will be announced in early May.

For more information about the spotlight on start-ups at CeBIT Australia, visit:


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