Business News Releases

Recognition of unpaid carers inquiry launched

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs has today launched an Inquiry into the recognition of unpaid carers.

Chair of the Committee, Peta Murphy MP said, "This inquiry will examine the effectiveness of the Carer Recognition Act 2010 in acknowledging and raising awareness of the important role of unpaid carers in Australian society, and will consider if legislative reform is needed.

"The committee wants to hear from individual unpaid carers, carers’ representatives and advocacy organisations so it can make meaningful recommendations to government."

The committee is seeking written submissions, ideally of no more than 10 pages, on the inquiry terms of reference by Friday, August 11, 2023. The inquiry is not considering the adequacy of payments for carers.

People who want to tell their story, but have concerns about privacy, can ask for their submission to be published without name, or for the submission to be received confidentially and not published by the committee.

Further information about the inquiry, including the terms of reference, is available on the inquiry webpage.



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Treaties Committee recommends ratification of Czech Republic Extradition Treaty

THE Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT) has recommended that the Australian Government ratifies the Treaty on Extradition between Australia and the Czech Republic (Canberra, February 17, 2022) (Extradition Treaty).

The Extradition Treaty creates a framework that simplifies the surrender of a person from one country to the other for criminal prosecution or to serve a criminal sentence.

JSCOT Chair Josh Wilson MP said, “On ratification, this will be Australia’s 40th bilateral extradition treaty and will allow Australia and the Czech Republic to better combat serious and transnational crime. It will help to ensure that those who commit these crimes are not able to escape across borders and instead face a court of law and prison.”

The Extradition Treaty strengthens the ability of Australia and the Czech Republic to cooperate on matters of extradition which will work to ensure that those responsible for crimes will be held accountable.

Mr Wilson said: “Through cooperation between Australia and the Czech Republic, this Treaty provides clarity and certainty to the extradition process.”

The Report can be found on the Committee website, along with further information on the inquiry.



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Committee tables inquiry on amendments to marine pollution protocol

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water has tabled its report on the inquiry into the 2009 and 2013 amendments to the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 (London Protocol).

The committee considered the two amendments to the London Protocol. The 2009 amendment permits the export of carbon dioxide streams for carbon capture and storage between countries who have signed up to the London Protocol.

The 2013 amendment proposes to regulate marine geoengineering activities, such as ocean fertilisation and other activities in the future.

Committee Chair, Tony Zappia MP said, "The evidence received by the committee from government, industry and community groups provided the committee with a perspective on how they could be implemented. The committee subsequently recommended that the Australian Government ratify both instruments."

The report can be downloaded from the committee’s website.



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Public Hearing on Defence’s support to Australian domestic crises

ON JUNE 13, the Defence Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade will conduct its third public hearing in support of its inquiry into the Department of Defence Annual Report 2021–22.

The Subcommittee will hear evidence from an academic panel as well as the Department of Defence on the inquiry’s third focus item: Support to domestic crisis.

Chair of the Subcommittee, Julian Hill MP, said, "In recent years Defence has been used increasingly as part of national responses to domestic crises. Recent examples include support to the COVID-19 pandemic, and numerous floods and bushfire events.

“The Subcommittee will hear how this seemingly near persistent requirement is impacting the organisation from a preparation, training, and capability perspective, as well as reviewing current policy and approaches to resourcing.

“Leading experts and senior Defence representatives will publicly share their views on this important matter which will also provide useful context as respective authors consider the 2024 National Defence Strategy.”

Further information is available on the inquiry webpage.



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Home Affairs to front Migration Committee

DEPARTMENT of Home Affairs boss, Michael Pezzullo AO, will front the Joint Standing Committee on Migration on Wednesday, June 14, to provide evidence to the committee’s Migration, Pathway to Nation Building inquiry.

This will be the seventh public hearing for the inquiry and the first time the department appears.

Committee Chair, Maria Vamvakinou MP, said, "Over the course of the inquiry, the committee has heard from all sorts of people and organisations on what’s wrong with the current migration system and how it could be improved.

‘This hearing will be the perfect opportunity for the committee to get answers on the current operation of the migration system from those directly responsible for administering it. The hearing is particularly timely given the recent completion of the Parkinson Review, the announcement of the government’s proposed Migration Strategy, and the ongoing Multicultural Framework Review. The committee will be very interested to hear about the outcomes of these initiatives and how the Department will implement associated reforms," she said.

"The committee has already heard from a whole range of sectors, all united in the view that migration remains crucial to Australia’s national interest. So it is vital that we have a migration system that is fit-for-purpose, backed by evidence and research, and is beneficial to Australia’s society, culture and economy, as well as to migrants themselves," Ms Vamvakinou said.

The full hearing program is available on the committee website.

Hearing details

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

11.45am to 1.45pm

Main Committee Room, Parliament House Canberra.




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