Business News Releases

Australia’s biggest mining industry safety conference begins on the Gold Coast

THE safety and well-being of Queensland’s 61 thousand resources sector workers is the focus of Australia’s biggest industry safety conference that gets underway on the Gold Coast today.

Around 1100 delegates have registered to attend the 33rd annual Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference (QMIHSC) at The Star Gold Coast over the next four days with the theme ‘Inside Looking Out’.

Queensland Resources Minister, Scott Stewart, will officially open the conference and said it is encouraging to see so many delegates attending.

“Worker safety must be the number one priority of the Queensland’s resources sector and the QMIHSC demonstrates the industry’s commitment to that,” Mr Stewart said. “We all know how important the resources industry is to our great state’s economy, but safety must always be front and centre of everything the industry does.

“I look forward to hearing about new safety innovations and I applaud the organisers for using the conference to look to other industries to see what they can learn to improve safety practises in Queensland’s resources sector.”

Welcoming delates to the conference, chair of the 2023 QMIHSC, Larnie Mackay, said the event continued to grow and it was "great to see a record attendance at this year’s conference".

“The mining industry has been through considerable change over the past three decades in improving safety and health, but there is always more we can do.  We need to think differently, particularly in light of the current labour shortage in Australia as well as globally ,” Ms Mackay said.

“This year’s theme ‘Inside Looking Out’ is about exploring not only the initiatives, programs and innovations coming from within the mining industry (the “inside”), but also looking at outcomes being achieved by other like-minded industries here and around the world where safety is the number one concern.

“Safety is an issue in which the entire Queensland mining industry is on the same page and this week’s conference is a great opportunity for representatives to come together to share experiences and information that benefits the whole resources sector,” Ms Mackay said.

“I’m looking forward to welcoming delegates today and we thank Minister Scott Stewart for opening the conference, who is well-known for his commitment to improving safety of all workers.

“We have two excellent keynote speakers for Day One of the conference.

“James Wood entered the mining industry in New South Wales straight out of school where he worked until a work accident ended his career and completely changed his life. James will talk about the importance of making the right choices at work, even when doing what may seem the simplest of tasks.

“As we look to learn from other industries, delegates will also hear from Neryl Joyce, a single mum who went from working the checkout at a supermarket, to putting her life on the line as a highly trained bodyguard protecting diplomats in the Middle East.”

Monday will feature an impressive list of keynote speakers and plenary sessions as well as the presentation of this year’s Legends Award, which is always a conference highlight.

The QMIHSC concludes on Wednesday evening with the Conference Dinner and industry award presentations.

About the Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference

The Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference is an initiative to promote health and safety in the Queensland mining industry. The four-day conference provides the industry with the opportunity to exchange information, network and foster proactive health and safety management techniques. The in-person and online conference is organised by representatives from the Queensland Resources Council (QRC), Resources Safety and Health Queensland, the Mining and Energy Union Queensland, industry organisations and the Australian Workers’ Union. The conference boasts a full program of topical sessions, workshops, award presentations and a gala dinner and attracts a wide range of presenters willing to share their knowledge, expertise and insights into important health and safety matters in the industry.




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Health professionals to call on NSW Government to phase out gas

A GROUP of health professionals from Healthy Futures and NSW Doctors for Environment (DEA) today announced plans to issue an open letter to the NSW Minister for Health and  the NSW Energy, Climate Change and Environment Minister calling for a phase-out of gas in homes and public buildings.

Healthy Futures is a health advocacy organisation that works to protect public health from the impacts of pollution and climate change. NSW Doctors for Environment is a group of doctors who are working to promote environmental sustainability and protect public health.

The open letter, which has already been signed by key health organisations, nationally and state-based, and by dozens of leading NSW health professionals, warns that gas poses a serious risk to human health. 

Gas burning releases pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, benzene, and radon, which can cause respiratory problems, cancer, and other health problems. Gas also contributes to climate change, which is the greatest threat to public health.

“We are calling on the NSW Government to phase out gas as soon as possible,” NSW campaigner at Healthy Futures, Bronwyn McDonald said.. “Gas is a dirty and dangerous fuel that is harming our health and our climate. We must switch to clean, renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.”

The letter will call on the NSW Government to take the following actions:

  • Phase out gas in all new homes and buildings by 2025;
  • Provide financial assistance to households on low incomes to switch to clean energy.

Retrofit public buildings, including hospitals and schools, to be gas-free

The letter can be viewed and signed at



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ATO corrects the record on Operation Protego

THE Australian Taxation Office has corrected the record on the fraudulent losses discovered after its Operation Protego.

In a statment issued today, an ATO spokesperson said:

"This fraud did not cost the tax office $4.6 billion as reported in the AFR (Australian Financial Review) this morning.

"In our Annual Report to June 2022 we reported a cost of $1.2 billion at that time.

"We became aware of an increase in referrals from banks in late 2021 which escalated in early 2022. We took immediate action.

"There has been extensive ATO reporting of the impact of this fraud since Operation Protego was launched in April 2022 (Operation Protego publicly announced May 2022, first raids announced June 2022, further raids announced July 2022, crackdown on promoters Feb 2023, arrest activity August 2023).

"As a result, we have prioritised and taken compliance action against more than 56,000 perpetrators.

"In addition, working with Serious Financial Crime Taskforce and law enforcement agencies, more than 100 suspected perpetrators have been arrested, including members of outlaw motorcycle gangs, organised criminal organisations, and youth crime gangs – and more than 10 people have already been convicted for their involvement in this activity.

"We continue to address this fraud with the full force of the ATO. Since the reporting in our 2022 Annual Report, we have raised in the order of a further $700 million in liabilities, which includes around $300 million in penalties and interest.

"As previously stated by Deputy Commissioner Will Day, we have stopped $2.7 billion being paid to fraudsters. We continue to pursue those who have committed this fraud and collect debts which attract penalties and interest.

"We also continue to monitor for any tax agents facilitating clients to participate in this fraud. We expect that any tax or BAS agent that becomes aware of a client that has participated in fraud to notify the ATO immediately.

"This was an unprecedented threat proliferated via social media and is now contained."



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Intelligence Committee visits New Zealand

MEMBERS of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) have reinforced the strong ties between Australia and New Zealand on intelligence and security issues during a visit to New Zealand on August 14 and 15.

The PJCIS delegation was led by Committee Chair, Peter Khalil MP, and included  PJCIS members Andrew Hastie MPSenator James Paterson and Senator Marielle Smith. At the committee’s invitation, the delegation was joined by the Director-General National Intelligence, Andrew Shearer; and the Director-General of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, Kerri Hartland.

The delegation met with various members of the New Zealand Government and opposition, parliamentary representatives and intelligence leaders, including: Minister for Defence Andrew Little; Opposition Leader Christopher Luxon; Deputy Opposition Leader Nicola Willis; Opposition spokesperson for Defence and Veterans Tim Van de Molen; the heads of the New Zealand Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS) and National Assessments Bureau (NAB); senior leaders of the NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Defence Secretary Andrew Bridgeman; the Vice Chief of the New Zealand Defence Force, Air Vice-Marshal Tony Davies; and representatives from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Committee Chair and delegation leader, Mr Khalil, said the visit focused on enhancing the already strong relationship and coordination between Australia and New Zealand in the Indo-Pacific. Discussions focused on further strengthening collaboration as active partners across the Pacific.

"The visit follows the release of a series of important national security statements by the New Zealand government. Australia and New Zealand are more closely aligned than ever before on the Indo-Pacific security environment," Mr Khalil said.



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Final hearing of parliamentary women and children’s rights inquiry to focus on practical solutions

ADDRESSING human rights violations with practical and measurable solutions will be the focus of the Human Rights Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (JSCFADT) during its public hearing on Friday,  August 11, in Australian Parliament House.

The subcommittee’s final hearing for the Inquiry into the Rights of Women and Children will discuss potential measures to improve the human rights of women and children globally with stakeholders such as non-government organisations and Australian Government agencies.

Chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee, Maria Vamvakinou MP, Member for Calwell, said, "Throughout this inquiry, the subcommittee has heard evidence about the types and scale of harm being perpetrated against women and children globally. Our final hearing will focus on how the Australian Government can make a practical and measurable difference to the lives of women and children. My fellow subcommittee members and I look forward to discussing potential pathways forward with key stakeholders and experts.”

The subcommittee may accept submissions until the final report is tabled in the Parliament. Submissions containing graphic material will not be accepted to the inquiry. Submissions should be lodged online using a My Parliament account.

Further information in relation to the inquiry is available from the JSCFADT’s website.

Hearing details

Time:            1.30pm to 5pm (AEST)Venue:         Committee Room 2R1, Australian Parliament House, CanberraWitnesses: Save the Children                        Associate Professor Hannah McGlade                        Harmony Alliance (Social Policy Group)                        Australian Human Rights Commission                        Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade




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