Business News Releases

Master Builders Australia welcomes the announcement of the new Morrison Ministry. 

DENITA WAWN, CEO of Master Builders Australia has welcomed the announcement of the new Federal Government Ministry by Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

“It is particularly good news for our industry that industrial relations will be overseen by the Attorney General Christian Porter MP in Cabinet and that the Assistant Treasurer will be responsible for the housing portfolio," Ms Wawn said.

“Master Builders fought hard at the election on housing tax and the need to keep the ABCC to stop construction union bullying and we appreciate the Prime Minister’s special mention of both matters in his remarks today,” she said. 

“The Prime Minister’s move to ensure that the nation’s chief law officer now has charge of enforcing the rule of law on construction sites will be welcomed by builders and tradies who heaved a sigh of relief that the return of the Morrison Government meant they would not have to face the surge in bullying promised by construction unions if Labor had been elected.

“The housing industry plays a vital role in building a strong economy. Last week Master Builders called for the Minister of Housing to also have a senior economic portfolio and we welcome the appointment of Michael Sukkar MP as Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing. We look forward to working closely with him on his return to this role,” she said. 

“Infrastructure, urban infrastructure, population and cities are key engines for economic growth. It’s a positive signal that they will be overseen by the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Population, Cities and Urban infrastructure. 

“It is also good to see the small business and vocational education and apprentices will have energetic champions in Senator Michaelia Cash and Steve Irons MP, these are both important to our industry,

“Bringing together Energy and Emissions Reductions in one ministry makes sense and we look forward to working with Angus Taylor MP,” Ms Wawn said.



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Law Council welcomes new ministry, looks to relationship of trust, honesty and collaboration

THE Law Council has welcomed the announcement of the Federal Government’s new ministry and looks forward to a collaborative, consultative relationship with new and returning Ministers.

Law Council president Arthur Moses SC today congratulated re-appointed Attorney-General Christian Porter, who also adds Industrial Relations and Leader of the House to his portfolio. Mr Moses also congratulated the new Minister for Indigenous Australians, Ken Wyatt, the first Aboriginal Australian appointed to the portfolio.

“We look forward to working with the government and the 46th Parliament in an honest and productive relationship for the benefit of all Australians and the rule of law,” Mr Moses said.

“The role of First Law Officer is an important portfolio. It is critical that Attorneys-General enjoy a respectful and robust relationship with the national legal profession that is built on trust and transparency. I congratulate Mr Porter on his re-appointment and look forward to continuing to work with him to promote the rule of law and administration of justice.

“Access to justice through increased legal assistance funding, securing adequate resources for our courts and establishing a Commonwealth Integrity Commission, Federal Judicial Commission and transparent judicial appointments process are our key policy concerns. The Law Council will continue to advocate to the Attorney-General for their prompt implementation.”

Mr Moses described Mr Wyatt’s appointment to the Indigenous Australians portfolio as a defining moment in Australian politics.

“For the first time in the history of our federation, a person of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent been appointed as Minister for Indigenous Australians – this is a pivotal decision by the Prime Minister and one that will undoubtedly benefit all First Nations Australians,” Mr Moses said.

“Establishing an Indigenous Voice to Parliament is a priority for the Law Council and we look forward to working with Mr Wyatt to ensure the future vision captured by the Uluru Statement of the Heart becomes a reality. The Law Council will seek a meeting with Prime Minister Morrison and Minister Wyatt at their earliest convenience to advance this significant issue.

“Improved justice outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is vital. We offer our expertise in this area to help formulate legislation to support Indigenous-led policy solutions.”

Mr Moses also reiterated the Law Council’s commitment to assisting and consulting with government, the opposition and cross-bench in relation to the formulation of effective legislation.

“Working with government to ensure laws passed through our Federal Parliament best serve the Australian people is at the core of our mission and of the utmost importance. We will continue to hold the government to account without fear or favour.

“We offer our assistance to the new parliament in the formulation of legislation that benefits all Australians and strengthens our democracy and the rule of law,” Mr Moses said.


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APLNG’s acquisition of Origin’s Ironbark project not opposed

THE ACCC will not oppose Australia Pacific LNG’s (APLNG) proposed acquisition of the Ironbark coal seam gas project from Origin Energy (Origin).

APLNG is a large gas producer with significant gas tenements in eastern Australia. It supplies almost 30 percent of the gas going into the east coast market, and processes the balance of its gas for export at its LNG facility near Gladstone, Queensland.

Origin is a 37.5 percent shareholder in APLNG and is the upstream operator for APLNG, responsible for the development of its CSG fields in the Surat and Bowen basins and the main transmission pipeline that transports the gas to the LNG facility near Gladstone.

Ironbark is an undeveloped coal seam gas permit held by Origin, located in the Surat Basin. It has expected reserves of around 129 PJ of 2P reserves, which is approximately 0.34 percent of total eastern Australian reserves.

In reaching its decision, the ACCC considered the effect of the acquisition on domestic gas supply and the level of competition between suppliers of domestic gas.

“We had regard to the relatively small size of the Ironbark project. We also considered the alternatives available to Origin to either sell Ironbark to someone else or develop the project itself,” ACCC Commissioner Roger Featherston said.

“In our view, neither of these alternatives would lead to a significantly different outcome for domestic gas users from that of the sale of Ironbark to APLNG.”

The ACCC concluded that the proposed acquisition would be unlikely to substantially lessen competition in any domestic gas market.

“However, we have long voiced concerns about the challenges facing east coast domestic gas users and will continue to closely examine the acquisition of further gas reserves by major LNG producers and the likely impact on competition,” Mr Featherston said.

Further information is available at APLNG - proposed acquisition of Ironbark gas project.


Origin Energy ATP 788P Pty Ltd, also known as Ironbark, is an Authority to Prospect held by Origin. It is a proposed coal seam gas project located north of Tara, Queensland, in the Surat Basin.

Ironbark is in the exploration and appraisal stage, and is not currently producing. Origin estimates Ironbark has 129 PJ of 2P reserves and 192 PJ of 3P reserves.

APLNG is a joint venture between Origin (37.5 percent), ConocoPhillips Australia Pacific LNG Pty Ltd (37.5 percent) and Sinopec Australia Pacific LNG Pty Limited (25 percent).

It has significant gas tenements in the Surat and Bowen basins and processes CSG into LNG for export from its facility near Gladstone, Queensland. It is also the largest supplier of gas to domestic customers and in 2018 supplied close to 30 percent of total east coast gas.

Origin is an ASX-listed major Australian energy retailer, supplying customers with electricity, natural gas and LPG.

Origin is the upstream operator for APLNG and is responsible for the development of its CSG fields in the Surat and Bowen basins and the main transmission pipeline that transports the gas to the LNG facility on Curtis Island near Gladstone.


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RQ celebrates National Volunteers Week

QUEENSLAND'S racing industry is supported by almost 7700 volunteers that give their time and resources each week to ensure our sport continues to prosper across the state.

To celebrate National Volunteer Week, RQ is calling on all industry stakeholders to share their stories and thank the wonderful volunteers that contribute to our sport each year.

RQ CEO Brendan Parnell said volunteers come in many shapes and forms.

“Volunteers play a crucial role in the ongoing success and viability of racing across the state, particularly in regional and rural areas,” Mr Parnell said.

“Volunteers might help out at their local club on race days, or help out a family member who participates in racing.”

Mr Parnell said Racing Queensland was proud to join the rest of the country to celebrate the six million Australians who give their time to help others each year.

“I would encourage as many people as possible to share their stories, which serve to inspire others to lend a hand and make a difference.”

Racing Queensland wants to see all of your favourite photos and short stories about volunteers in racing, across all three codes.

To do so, visit the Racing Queensland Facebook page or, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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LNP commitment on royalties delivers resources job certainty – 'Labor, your turn' says QRC

THE Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has welcomed a commitment from the Liberal National Party to keep the rate of royalties on the Queensland resources industry stable for the next five years.

Speaking from Mackay, QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said LNP Leader Deb Frecklington has responded to the industry, union and small business calls for no change in rates of royalties to provide investment and employment certainty for the resources sector in Queensland, which already supports the jobs of more than 315,000 Queenslanders.

The QRC has secured the commitment that if the LNP win the next State election in October next year that royalty rates will be stable for that first four-year term.

“I welcome the commitment of the LNP.  They have listened to business, workers and resource companies and they have responded," Mr Macfarlane said.

“The commitment from Deb Frecklington today is a commitment of confidence in the resource sector, in resource communities and most importantly resource jobs.

“Annastacia Palaszczuk and Jackie Trad need to match that commitment," he said.

"The resources industry will already pay the Palaszczuk Government a record $5.3 billion in royalties this financial year. We remain concerned Treasurer Jackie Trad will increase royalties in the State Budget on June 11 as part of an anti-mining agenda.

“An increase in royalties undermines new and existing jobs. The CFMEU knows that and they have called on the Palaszczuk Government to rule out royalties increases.

"A royalty increase undermines investment and saps confidence in those 14,000 Queensland businesses who supply the resources industry.  The Mackay-based Resources Industry Network knows that and they too have called on the Palaszczuk Government to rule out increases.”

A survey of more than three quarters (77%) of resource company CEOs, released before the Federal election, found that uncertainty about Queensland Government royalty rates affected the likelihood of their projects proceeding.


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