Business News Releases

Final report tabled: Rebuilding the employment services system

THE Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services today tabled its final report, recommending large scale reform to fundamentally rebuild the Commonwealth Employment Services System. The report is available on the committee’s website.

Committee Chair, Julian Hill MP, said, "This first-principles review is the first of its kind since services were privatised by the Howard Government nearly 25 years ago.

“It’s harsh but true to say that Australia no longer has an effective coherent national employment services system; we have an inefficient outsourced fragmented social security compliance management system that sometimes gets someone a job against all odds.

“It should not be controversial to state that full privatisation has failed. Even the previous government implicitly admitted this by bringing a large caseload back to the public sector with Workforce Australia Online.

“The current system is inefficient, tying clients and providers up in red tape, driving away businesses and effectively making too many people less employable by requiring them to do silly courses, pointless activities or apply for jobs they simply cannot do. It has failed to prepare people for today’s red-hot labour market and to effectively address long-term unemployment, with 150,000 people stuck in the system for over five years. This must change," Mr Hill said.

“The review has identified significant and numerous flaws in the employment services system that cannot be addressed by mere tweaks to policies and programs. Fundamental change is needed to better support the most disadvantaged in society and to get better value for money. Over $9.5 billion will be spent over the next four years and employment services are the Commonwealth’s largest single procurement outside Defence.

“The nature of competition is counterproductive. In regional towns or disadvantaged suburban centres it seems there is an employment services provider on every street block, heavily regulated and providing largely the same service with little variation or innovation. Five ice-cream shops all selling the same vanilla ice-cream lined up side-by-side, while the Department studiously manages market share so everyone gets a lick. It’s nonsense.

“The world’s best systems and other human services all have a public sector core to steward the system and benchmark quality and price – think TAFEs, public hospitals, universities, schools, aged care. Just as a GP helps someone navigate the health system, a rebuilt public sector core should help clients navigate employment services.

“The committee’s report sets out a comprehensive and ambitious blueprint to rebuild the Commonwealth Employment Services System, underpinned by the guiding vision that all people in Australia be able to enjoy decent employment and participate in economic and social life regardless of who they are or where they live.”

The committee makes 75 recommendations supported by over 600 pages of detailed analysis. Fundamental changes recommended include:

  • A stronger, more active role for the Commonwealth government, by establishing Employment Services Australia as a rebuilt public sector core, to steward the system, be a large digital-hybrid provider for people with the fewest barriers to work, and lead each region via physical hubs. ESA Regional hubs would be tasked with assessment, referral, employer engagement and delivery of industry transition and local projects, driven by Jobs and Skills Australia labour market data. The public sector would undertake some direct service delivery including in thin markets, for people furthest from the labour market, and in some places to rebuild capability and experience.
  • An enhanced and—in some respects—radically different service model, which recognises that clients will have different pathways to employment, social and economic participation, moving away from rigid one-size-fits all rules. This would include referrals to other human services, ‘life first’ and social participation goals for some people, a Youth Employment Service, specialist services for First Nations and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse people, and a revamped service for ex-offenders.
  • A new regulatory culture and more relational contracting model, moving from obsessively contracting services out and denying responsibility, to a system where service partners are contracted in to work with government and employers in local communities.
  • Dialling back pointless competition in local areas and service fragmentation, by engaging only one ‘generalist’ case management service partner and one youth specialist per location – this will usually mean more than one partner per region.
  • Focusing far more on demand and employer engagement, including a dedicated employer engagement service via ESA’s regional hubs to ‘hide the wiring’ for business.
  • Broadened and tailored approach to mutual obligations and a new Shared Accountability Framework for compliance, supported by an individualised Participation and Jobs Plan, to cut red tape and compliance burden, stop driving employers away and more effectively support disadvantaged people into work.
  • Seriously considering integrating digital employment marketplaces, such as SEEK, LinkedIn, Indeed, and competitors into the system.
  • Re-professionalising the sector’s workforce, to reduce the shocking 40 per cent staff turnover rate and improve the pay, skills, and conditions of critical frontline staff.
  • Establishing and Employment Services Quality Commission as an independent regulator, responsible for workforce standards, continuous learning, advising on pricing and funding mechanisms for quality services, data collection and complaints management.

Several reforms are proposed as urgent or to be undertaken in the short term during the current financial year to address critical issues and obvious pain points. For other reforms, the Committee recommends that the Government develop and publish a roadmap to a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System by the end of 2024. This roadmap should be a living document and be periodically reviewed and updated.

Information about the inquiry, including Terms of Reference, published submissions, and hearing transcripts, is available on the inquiry website.



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Australian Defence Force Academy billion dollar rebuild

UNDER the Public Works Committee Act 1969, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works will consider two new referrals from the Department of Defence.

The projects are:

Department of Defence – RAAF Base Learmonth Redevelopment Enabling KC-30A Operations – $662.2 million – Exmouth, Western Australia

  • The works will deliver upgrades to the airfield at RAAF Base Learmonth to meet Defence requirements for the support of KC-30A operations and to improve overall airfield resilience.

Department of Defence – Canberra Defence Precinct Tranche 1 Australian Defence Force Academy Living-in Accommodation Project – $1.25 billion – Canberra, ACT

  • The works will replace existing living-in accommodation facilities and associated infrastructure at ADFA with contemporary, safe and suitable accommodation that will support recruitment, retention, and wellbeing of trainee officers.

It is anticipated that the committee will conduct public and in-camera hearings for the inquiries in 2024. The committee wants to hear from all individuals or organisations interested in the project. The deadline for public submissions is 29 January 2024, with more information available on the Public Works Committee website.

Committee Chair Graham Perrett MP  said, "Public submissions and the public hearings will allow the committee to review the purpose, need and public value of the proposed works."

Note: The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works is not involved in the tendering process, awarding of contracts or details of the proposed works. Inquiries on these matters should be addressed to the relevant Commonwealth entities.



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Report released on inquiry into the application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Australia

THE Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs has today published its report on its inquiry into the application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Australia.

The report makes six recommendations, including that the Commonwealth Government ensure that its policies and legislation on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people be consistent with the Articles of UNDRIP.

To realise this, the committee makes further recommendations to:

  • Amend parliamentary human rights scrutiny processes to formally include consideration of UNDRIP;
  • Develop a National Action Plan, in consultation with First Peoples, to outline a coordinated approach to implementing UNDRIP across all Australian jurisdictions;
  • Improve education on Australian history, civics, and human rights; and
  • Establish an independent process of truth-telling and agreement-making.

Committee Chair Senator Patrick Dodson said, "At the heart of this report is a call for all Australian governments and civil society to engage with the rights of First Peoples through UNDRIP.

"The committee heard clear evidence about how the enhanced application of UNDRIP offers a blueprint for a renewed relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Australian nation that strengthens our democracy and improves the wellbeing of First Peoples."

Through the course of the inquiry the Committee received evidence from a range of domestic and international experts, as well as many Indigenous representatives, including from Canada, New Zealand, Finland and Norway.

For more information about this committee and its report, visit the inquiry webpage.


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Trade Subcommittee hearing with ASEAN members

THE Trade Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade will hold a public hearing in Canberra today for its inquiry into Australia’s tourism and international education sectors.

The subcommittee will be speaking with the Ambassador of Thailand and a representative from the Royal Embassy of Cambodia.

Chair of the Trade Subcommittee, Senator Deborah O’Neill, said, "Continuing to build robust people to people links with Australia’s neighbours is important for strengthening and maintaining existing strategic relationships in the region. Education and tourism have proven to be a key part of doing so.

"The subcommittee looks forward to hearing from representatives of the Royal Thai Embassy and the Royal Embassy of Cambodia on how Australia can further its engagement with their respective countries through education and tourism links," Senator O’Neill said.

Further information about the inquiry and program are available on the inquiry webpage. This hearing will be broadcast via the APH website.

Public hearing

Date: Wednesday, 29 November 2023Venue: Committee Room 2S1, Parliament House, CanberraTime: 9:15am – 10:30am (AEDT)



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Workforce Australia Employment Services Committee to table final report on Thursday

THE Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Services anticipates tabling a final report for its inquiry into Workforce Australia Employment Services on November 30.

Committee Chair, Julian Hill MP said, "This is not a fairy floss review. It’s the only ‘first principles’ review of Australia’s employment services system conducted in several decades.

“The committee has identified significant and numerous flaws in the system that cannot be addressed by mere tweaks to policies and programs if we are serious about addressing long-term unemployment and entrenched disadvantage.

“It should not come as a surprise to those who have contributed to the inquiry that the committee will recommend wholesale reforms and an ambitious blueprint for a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services system.

“There are no sacred cows and the findings will directly challenge long held beliefs, including the flawed ideas that ever more competition in every place will always produce better outcomes for vulnerable consumers.

“The Robodebt Royal Commission’s finding that fraud in the welfare system is minuscule is apt and the current approach to mutual obligations is like using a nuclear bomb to kill a mosquito. Mutual obligations need to be broadened and tailored to the individual, as the current one-size-fits all approach is drowning the system in compliance red-tape, driving employers away and actually making many people less employable," Mr Hill said.

“The guiding vision for a rebuilt system should be to ensure that all people in Australia can enjoy decent employment and participate in economic and social life regardless of who they are or where they live.

“All elements of the system have been carefully interrogated in an open-minded and non-partisan manner, led by evidence not ideology, outside interests or direction.”

The inquiry has been informed by more than 300 submissions, more than 60 hours of witness testimony, over 50 meetings and site visits across all Australian jurisdictions, and direct engagement with OECD experts and representatives of over 10 other countries.

Information about the inquiry, including Terms of Reference, published submissions and hearing transcripts, is available on the inquiry website.



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