Business News Releases

Defence relationships in the Pacific to be re-examined in new Parliamentary hearings

AUSTRALIA's Defence relationship with Pacific Island nations will be re-examined in the context of the Pacific Step-up as two days of public hearings get underway in Canberra.

The Defence Sub-committee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade will hear from academics, Government Departments and Non-Government Agencies across the two days to help explore how far Australia’s activities correspond to the needs of our partner nations in the Pacific and how they might be better co-ordinated.  

Sub-Committee Chair Andrew Wallace said the public hearings are an important opportunity to build on the evidence already received through written submissions and will help the Sub-Committee make a real contribution to understanding the effectiveness of Australia’s defence engagement with the region at a complex time.

"This is a chance for us to hear in more depth from some of the best-informed experts in the field. In addition to the Departments of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Defence, we are looking forward to hearing from academic witnesses from institutions including the Australian National University and Western Sydney University," Mr Wallace said.

"Combined with the evidence we have already received from governments including those of Tonga, New Zealand and the Philippines, and the information we have from agencies on the ground, I believe this Sub-Committee will have all the insight we need to help the government to make the most of Australia’s defence work with our Pacific partners."

Further details about the about the inquiry, including terms of reference, details on how to contribute a submission and, when available, details of public hearings and roundtable discussions, can also be obtained from the Committee’s website.

Public hearing details

Date: Wednesday 15 July 2020
Time: 8.50am to 4:30pm
Location: Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra.

Date: Thursday 16 July 2020
Time: 9am to 2pm
Location: Committee Room 2R1, Parliament House, Canberra.

The hearings will be audio streamed live at


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COVID-19 inquiry to examine exports

A PARLIAMENTARY inquiry into the impact of COVID-19 on Australia’s defence, trade and international relations will turn its attention to Australia’s export sector in a public hearing tomorrow.

Senator David Fawcett, Chair of the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee, said many sectors of the export industry have been hit hard by COVID-19 although Government support to ensure freight capacity remains available has enabled some exports to hubs such as Singapore and Hong Kong to continue.

‘Like many other sectors of the Australian economy, Australia’s exporters have struggled during the pandemic,’ Senator Fawcett said.

"While much focus has been on supply chains that Australia draws from, it is also the case that we are a major supplier for other nations. At tomorrow’s hearing, we’ll explore what else Australia can do to support our export sector.

"Importantly, the Committee will explore any underlying weaknesses in global supply and export systems the pandemic has revealed.  In particular, the Committee will assess how the nation can enhance its role as a supplier of choice in resilient and transparent supply chains for critical goods and services with like-minded nations."

Witnesses from the Export Council of Australia and the University of Western Australia’s Perth USAsia Centre will talk about the trade and economic impacts of the COVID pandemic on Australian businesses and about how Australia can support its export sector during and after the pandemic.

Full terms of reference for the inquiry are on the Committee website. Submissions can be made until July 17, 2020.

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday 16 July
Time: 3pm – 4.30pm AEST 
Location: By teleconference

The hearings will be audio streamed live at


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ASIC oversight hearing

COMMISSIONERS of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission [ASIC] will appear before the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services at a public hearing via videoconference on Wednesday July 15, 2020.

The committee will review the performance and operations of the corporate regulator, with a particular focus on ASIC’s performance during the COVID-19 crisis.

This will be the fourth public hearing with ASIC before the Corporations and Financial Services committee in this Parliament.

Committee Chair Senator Paterson said, “This hearing is an opportunity for the commissioners of ASIC to update the parliament on the measures they have taken in response to COVID-19 and their outlook for the financial sector in the months ahead.”  

Public hearing details

Date:  Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Time:  9:30am to 1pm
Location: Videoconference
The hearing will be broadcast live at


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Regtech key to cutting red tape for small businesses: Ombudsman

THE Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell says government investment in regtech would be an effective way to cut red tape for small businesses.

Appearing before a Senate Select Committee hearing today on Financial and Regulatory Technology, Ms Carnell said the emergence of regtech created an opportunity to make life easier for small businesses.

“Research shows us that a quarter of small businesses spend 11 hours a week or more on compliance and close to half estimate the annual cost of compliance is $10,000 plus,” Ms Carnell said.

“Regtech uses information technology to simplify regulatory processes for the end user. It’s a potential game-changer for small businesses trying to navigate Australia’s complex regulatory system.”

The Ombudsman has made a number of key recommendations in regards to key areas where regtech could be implemented including award simplification, tax requirements, skills and training, government procurement and OH&S.

“With effective use of regtech, the government could streamline processes and reduce the burden on small businesses to interpret and implement complex regulations,” Ms Carnell said..

“This would be particularly useful in the industrial relations space where regtech solutions could ensure small businesses are paying wages and entitlements correctly and on time. We’ve recommended the Fair Work Ombudsman accredit regtech solutions for this purpose.

“In addition, government procurement would be optimised with digitisation. Regtech could provide small businesses with easier access to panels and demonstrate ongoing compliance. It could also simplify the tender process for small businesses.

“Ultimately the government has an opportunity to modernise their systems now to reduce red tape so that small businesses can develop the skills and products Australia needs to remain globally competitive.”


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CFMEU Vic-Tas to expand on-site COVID-19 testing

WHILE EALRY adaptation of on-site hygiene practices, including safety, physical distancing rules and staggered break times, were implemented on construction sites to provide safer workplace practices – the increase in community virus transmissions has necessitated further safety measures.

Michael Paynter, liaison officer for the Building and Construction Industry, will brief up to 200 construction Health and Safety (H&S) representatives to ensure they are armed with all guidelines for safe work practices.  

The briefing initiative will help ensure H&S representatives have the capability to assist the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) with workplace mapping of close and casual contact of workers who have tested positive to COVID-19.

Mr Paynter said, "By briefing on-site H&S representatives, we will be better positioned to assist with workplace mapping, all of which will further strengthen the health and safety platform for building and construction workers – and in turn – keep our Industry operational."

CFMEU officials closed a site in Melbourne’s inner west where 11 positive COVID-19 cases have been confirmed. The CFMEU in conjunction with site management immediately shut the site after the first case was confirmed (four days prior to the DHHS instruction) preventing any further opportunities for the virus to spread amongst workers. 

Yesterday, DHHS contacted the relevant site management to perform further contact tracing, instructing the job to remain shut for the next two weeks, with no workers to return to the site without proof of a negative test result. 

John Setka CFMEU secretary for Vic/Tas said, "Our commitment to the health and safety of our workers has always been paramount and we’ve done a great job so far; but we need to do more to look after each other, our families and the community.  So, if you or anyone in your household is unwell, stay home and get tested."

He said the CFMEU remained committed to the implementation of COVID-19 safety procedures to ensure the protection of all construction workers.  The current industry guidelines are first class, with daily on-site virus testing clinics.  To date, well over 6,000 workers have been tested at more than 100 construction sites around Melbourne.

"It is critical that the industry continues to move forward with health and safety testing clinics for all construction workers and expanding safety measures where and when required."

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