Business News Releases

CEPAR asks what is driving Australians' decisions to withdraw their super now?

NEW COVID-19 related research conducted by the ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) and super fund Cbus has identified that urgent short-term needs for funds are driving people’s decision to withdraw some or all of their superannuation savings under the COVID-19 Superannuation Early Release Scheme.

The study has also revealed that many people who withdrew their super over the past few months are uncertain about the long-term consequences of their decision.

To understand the operation and effect of the COVID-19 Superannuation Early Release Scheme, a multi-organisational research team analysed survey results of over 3,000 members of Cbus, a leading industry superannuation fund, who withdrew some or all of their superannuation savings in the first phase of the COVID-19 Superannuation Early Release Scheme between April and June 2020.

The results show that the $10,000 limit both guided and constrained withdrawal amounts and that most respondents withdrew the upper limit. Around 25 percent of surveyed members withdrew almost their entire account balance, according to the study.

Immediate financial need (59%) and concerns for future expenditures (27%) were the main reasons members gave for accessing savings. 

“Some surveyed members expressed they are uncertain about the long-term consequences of their decisions,” said study co-author Susan Thorp, professor of economics at the University of Sydney Business School.

“Around one third of respondents said they were unsure about the impact of their withdrawal on their retirement balances, or had not thought about that, or did not care,” Prof. Thorp said.

Co-author Hazel Bateman, professor of economics at the UNSW School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, said they also compared respondents’ estimates of the impact of their withdrawal with a projection of that impact based on assumptions made in a Cbus guidance on the early release scheme for members.

“Around half of the survey respondents either underestimated or didn’t estimate the impact of the withdrawal on their superannuation balance at retirement,” Prof. Bateman said.

“These findings demonstrate that many withdrawers either could not or did not evaluate the impact of their decision.

“However, another finding is that those who spent longer thinking about their decision and consulted more information sources before withdrawing their savings, held more realistic expectations of the impacts on retirement wealth and were half as likely to decide to withdraw within one day or less than members who used no information sources.

“This shows that more attention to information is related to an attempt to assess impact on retirement balances,” Prof. Bateman said.

Robbie Campo, Cbus Super group executive, said, “This research highlights the fundamental importance of the super systems cornerstones – compulsion, universality and adequacy. Cbus’ membership recognises the importance of these principles to ensure all Australians can enjoy a dignified and secure retirement.”



The COVID-19 Superannuation Early Release Scheme was one of the first pandemic-related policy changes made by the Australian Government. By mid-August 2020, Australian superannuation fund members had made more than 3 million applications to withdraw retirement savings under the COVID-19 Superannuation Early Release Scheme, supporting more than $31 billion in payments.

Full industry report:

Key findings of the industry report:

  • Surveyed COVID-19 early release scheme applicants expressed urgent short-term need for funds and considerable uncertainty about the long-term consequences of their decision.
  • The $10,000 limit both guided and constrained withdrawal amounts.
  • Around 25% of surveyed members withdrew almost their entire account balance.
  • Immediate financial need (59%) and concerns for future expenditures (27%) were the main reasons members gave for accessing savings.
  • Around 30% of surveyed applicants were unsure of, or unconcerned about, the long-term consequences of their withdrawal.
  • Around 50% of surveyed applicants either underestimated, or didn’t estimate, the impact of the withdrawal on their superannuation balance at retirement.
  • Members who collected information from Cbus and from other sources, such as news services or social media, were half as likely to decide to withdraw within one day or less than members who used no information sources.
  • Members who spent longer thinking and consulted more information sources before withdrawing their savings held more realistic expectations of impacts on retirement wealth.


The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR) is a unique collaboration between academia, government and industry, committed to delivering solutions to one of the major economic and social challenges of the 21st century. The research centre is based at the University of New South Wales, with nodes at the Australian National University, Curtin University, the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney.



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Public hearings on the National Redress Scheme

THE Joint Select Committee on Implementation of the National Redress Scheme will begin public hearings this week, helping to shape the recommendations to be made in its Second Interim Report.

The Committee’s First Interim Report, tabled in May 2020, made 14 detailed recommendations that were intended to inform the Scheme’s legislated second anniversary review.

Committee Chair Senator Dean Smith noted that, while the second anniversary review is ongoing, a number of issues associated with the operation of the Scheme need to be considered now.

These issues include defunct institutions and the operation of the funder of last resort mechanism, awareness and access to the Scheme for Indigenous Australians, and the impact of COVID-19 on the provision of specialised redress support services.

Protecting survivors from opportunistic behaviour by legal practitioners, who seek to target them for financial benefit under the guise of assisting with applications, will also be considered.

“The Committee is dedicated to ensuring the National Redress Scheme is continually recalibrated to improve the experience of survivors,” Senator Smith said.

The Second Interim Report is expected to be tabled in Parliament in early 2021.

Public hearing program

Date: Friday, 25 September 2020
Time: 10am to 1pm
Location: via teleconference

Date: Monday 28 September 2020
Time: 9am to 11.15am
Location: via videoconference

The hearing will be broadcast live at and public hearing programs will be available at the Committee website prior to the hearing.


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World Maritime Day highlights vital role of maritime workers during COVID-19 crisis

WORLD Maritime Day is today, recognising the invaluable efforts of millions of seafarers, dockers, ferry and port workers to keep global supply chains operating during the COVID-19 pandemic, while highlighting the plight of hundreds of thousands seafarers who have been unable to return home to their families due to the crisis.

Organised by the United Nations’ International Maritime Organization, the event shines a spotlight on the vital role of maritime workers in Australia’s security and economic success.

The Maritime Union of Australia said that with more than 98 percent of Australia’s imports and exports carried by sea, the COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the urgent need to reinvigorate the nation’s domestic shipping industry.

MUA national secretary and International Transport Workers' Federation president Paddy Crumlin said this year had demonstrated the absolutely essential work of seafarers and dockers, who are ensuring vital medical supplies and essential household goods continue to arrive in Australia.

“As the COVID-19 pandemic threatened global supply chains, the importance of maritime workers was thrust into the spotlight, with their hard work responsible for keeping fuel, food, and other essential goods flowing,” Mr Crumlin said.

“Without the efforts of maritime workers, Australia’s economy would have collapsed, our health system would have run critically short of equipment, households would have been unable to access essential products, and our resources and manufactured goods would not have been exported to the world.

“This invisible workforce responsible for keeping our island nation operating now faces their own crisis, with hundreds of thousands stuck onboard ships, in some cases for up to 18 months, unable to return to their families due to border closures and a lack of government efforts to repatriate them.

“The Australian Government must do more to address this humanitarian crisis by facilitating the movement of international seafarers through the country so crew changes can once again take place.”

Mr Crumlin said World Maritime Day also highlighted the need to revitalise Australia’s shipping industry, including by creating a strategic fleet of Australian-flagged vessels crewed by Australian workers that can improve our sovereign self-sufficiency and the security for our nation’s fuel and supply capabilities.

“As an island nation, maritime trade keeps the economy ticking, but very few large trading vessels still fly the Australian red ensign, which has undermined our economic sovereignty as supply chains become increasingly reliant on foreign owned, crewed and flagged ships,” he said.

“A smart island nation needs a strong merchant navy — a lesson highlighted by this global pandemic.

“As the number of Australian-crewed vessels declines, not only are quality jobs lost, but our country is left vulnerable to global shocks that can disrupt maritime trade.

“Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack put out a statement today honouring Australian seafarers in the same week that he released a discussion paper seeking to further deregulate Australian shipping and destroy our industry.

“This discussion paper is a further step in building on the government's negligence and abandonment of the national interest under the current policy settings which ignore the lessons of COVID and fuel security.

“Decades of neglect have seen the industry hollowed out, leaving Australia almost entirely dependent on foreign flag-of-convenience vessels, often registered in tax havens and crewed by exploited visa workers on as little as $2 per hour, to move cargo around the coast.”


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ATO: Time for employers to get ready for the JobKeeper extension

THE Australian Taxation Office (ATO) said it would continue to provide ongoing support to employers to assist them to prepare for the next phase of JobKeeper payments.

The JobKeeper Payment scheme has been extended from September 28, 2020, until March 28, 2021.

"There are some key dates to keep in mind, and simple steps employers can take now, so they are ready for the changes, but please remember that not everything needs to be done from next week” Taxation Deputy Commissioner James O’Halloran said.

“From Monday September 28, employers will need to pay their eligible employees a different rate of JobKeeper, with the rate dependent on the number of hours they work. These rates will change again from Monday, January 4,” Mr O’Halloran said.

It is important for employers to let their eligible employees know now what rate of JobKeeper payment they will receive. This will then be the amount that the ATO pays to employers.

“Although you do not need to re-enrol in JobKeeper, you do need to notify us of your eligible employees and what rate you are paying them as part of your normal payday reporting in October. This can easily be done through Single Touch Payroll," Mr O'Halloran said.

“Employers  will also need to nominate any new employees if they  are applying for a JobKeeper payment for them for the first time,” he said.

For the extension period commencing September 28, 2020, employers will need to show that their actual GST turnover has declined in the September 2020 quarter relative to a comparable period. This needs to be done before October 31, 2020. There is an actual decline in turnover test that can be accessed.. Alternative tests for determining actual decline in turnover may be available in some circumstances and the ATO is encouraging businesses to seek guidance if necessary.

“We are here to support employers and we know how vital the JobKeeper payment is to the community,” Mr O’Halloran said.

“I encourage employers seeking advice on JobKeeper to contact their tax agent or call us on our dedicated help line 13 10 20.

“There is also a range of information, fact sheets and videos available from to help and support you in this process. We’re also preparing translated information, which will be available in 16 languages,” Mr O’Halloran said.



ATO has advised employers to:

  • Now: notify your employees about the JobKeeper payment they can expect to receive.
  • September 28, 2020: start paying your eligible employees Tier 1 and Tier 2 JobKeeper rates based on their hours worked. 
  • From September 28: if using Single Touch Payroll to notify us of your eligible employees, provide each eligible employee’s Tier as part of your normal payday reporting. Enrol for the JobKeeper payment if you’re doing so for the first time.
  • Between October 1–14, 2020: complete your October JobKeeper monthly business declarations to receive your reimbursement for the September fortnights.
  • Between October 1–31, 2020: prepare and submit your businesses actual decline in turnover to the ATO.
  • Before October 31, 2020: ensure you meet the wage condition for all eligible employees included in the JobKeeper scheme for the JobKeeper fortnights starting September 28, 2020 and October 12, 2020.
  • From November 1, 2020: complete your monthly business declaration and confirm what payment tier you are claiming for each employee.


More information on the rates of the JobKeeper payment is available at,

For information about current JobKeeper support and assistance available from the ATO and information about the JobKeeper extension go to

Individuals, sole traders, small or medium businesses having difficulty meeting tax and super obligations because of COVID-19 can contact the ATO’s Emergency Support Infoline on 1800 806 218 to discuss tailored support options.



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Cats inquiry pounces on more evidence

PERSPECTIVES from local governments will be heard on Friday, along with bodies representing conservation, natural resource management and farming, as the House of Representatives Environment and Energy Committee conducts another public hearing for its inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia.

Committee Chair, Ted O’Brien MP said the Committee’s inquiry haD received nearly 160 submissions which highlight “the complex nature of the legal, environmental and social factors surrounding feral and domestic cats in Australia”.

He said, “Friday’s public hearing provides the Committee with a further opportunity to build upon its evidence base regarding the impact that cats have on the environment and on agriculture in Australia, and the role of local governments and others in responding to the growing cat problem.”

A full program for the hearing is available on the Committee’s website here.

Public hearing details

Date: Friday 25 September 2020
Time: 10.15am to 2.45pm
Location: via teleconference

The hearing will be broadcast live at (audio only).


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