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House Select Committee releases interim report for nuclear power inquiry

AS PART of its inquiry into nuclear power generation in Australia, the House of Representatives Select Committee on Nuclear Energy has released an interim report.

The committee was established to inquire into and report on the consideration of nuclear power generation, including deployment of small modular reactors, in Australia.

The committee has held 19 public hearings across Australia, which took important evidence from a range of stakeholders. The committee heard from global nuclear experts about the milestones and recommended approach for deploying nuclear power generation were the existing state and federal prohibitions on nuclear power in Australia lifted.

Evidence was also received from representatives of Australia’s science, energy and climate sectors — including federal government agencies responsible for Australia’s existing nuclear activities — who advised on key considerations and challenges for deployment in the Australian context. Many stakeholders, including First Nations, environment and community groups, commented on social licence issues for deploying nuclear power in Australia.

Chair of the committee, Dan Repacholi MP, the Federal Member for Hunter, said, "This interim report focuses on two key issues that have dominated the evidence we’ve received to date: whether nuclear power generation could be rolled out in Australia in an acceptable timeframe, and how affordable it would be – particularly compared to alternative power generation technologies currently available in Australia.

"From the evidence considered by the committee to date, it is apparent that it could be well into the 2040s before we might see nuclear energy generated in Australia if that form of energy generation were to be pursued. This would be too late to meaningfully support the achievement of Australia’s climate and energy targets or to help our coal power plant workforce and communities as we transition away from coal power," he said.

"We also heard that nuclear power is more expensive than the alternatives both to build and to use. As a country with no previous nuclear power experience, we were told that Australia could experience a 100 percent premium on the estimated cost to build nuclear reactors – a cost that taxpayers would likely have to pay."

On the question of small nuclear reactors, Mr Repacholi said, "Given they are still in the conceptual design stage and are not commercially available, small nuclear reactors simply don’t measure up as a viable option for powering Australia in the foreseeable future compared to proven solar and wind technologies which are already being rolled out and generating power."

The interim report states it does not present the committee’s final views or recommendations.

The committee thanked all those who contributed to the inquiry to date through written submissions, correspondence and giving evidence at public hearings.

The interim report and further information about the inquiry can be found on the Committee's website.

