Federal Select Committee on Nuclear Energy calls for submissions

A NEW Federal Parliamentary Committee has been established to inquire into and report on the consideration of nuclear power generation in Australia.

The House Select Committee on Nuclear Energy is seeking submissions by Friday, November 15.

Committee Chair, Dan Repacholi MP, the Federal Member for Hunter, said, "With the ongoing debate over whether nuclear energy has a role in Australia’s future energy mix, as well as the mounting cost of living pressures being felt by Australians, this inquiry comes at a critical time.

“Australians have a multitude of questions concerning the Opposition’s proposed nuclear energy idea," he said. “This Committee will be looking to answer some of these questions as it gives proper consideration to Australia’s future energy needs.”

Mr Repacholi explained the committee intended to hear from communities across Australia that would be impacted by the Opposition’s nuclear energy plan. The committee will also call on a broad range of experts to explore the financial, environmental, technical, and legal implications of developing nuclear energy in Australia, among other issues.

Further information, including the inquiry terms of reference are available on the committee’s website.



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