New inquiry to tackle substance use

ALCOHOL and other drug use is a major cause of preventable illness and death in Australia. Seeking to strengthen the national response to this pressing health concern, the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport will undertake an inquiry into the health impacts of alcohol and other drugs in Australia.

In announcing the inquiry, Committee Chair Mike Freelander MP said, "We know that alcohol and other drugs cause significant harm to individuals, families and indeed communities. As well as having severe health consequences, substance use also erodes economic and social wellbeing, deepening marginalisation and disadvantage.

"The inquiry will examine our existing alcohol and drugs policies, our treatment services and our community programs, while also looking at the workforce that is required to meet the high demand for services in this area."

Deputy Chair, Julian Leeser MP, said, "There are many good organisations providing support for people in our community who are struggling with addiction. This inquiry will be a good opportunity to hear directly from frontline service providers about the challenges they are dealing with and how we best support them in their work."

The committee is encouraging health professionals, health service providers, peak bodies, Commonwealth, State and Territory government departments, researchers, and members of the public to engage with the inquiry. The committee is keen to understand the current challenges in the domain of alcohol and drug treatment, and is looking forward to examining best practice models in this area from Australia and overseas.

The committee would be grateful to receive written submissions in support of the inquiry by Monday, September 30, but may also agree to accept submissions after this date. The preferred method of receiving submissions is by electronic format lodged online using a My Parliament account. Contact the Committee Secretariat if you require assistance in – or additional time for – making a submission.

Further information about the committee’s inquiry, including the full terms of reference and specific details on how to lodge a submission are available at the Committee’s website.



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