Pacific security chiefs meet to advance operational cooperation

THE Australian Defence Force, Australian Federal Police and Australian Border Force have announced that today Defence, law enforcement, customs and immigration leaders from across the Pacific will come together for the sixth annual Joint Heads of Pacific Security (JHoPS) meeting.

"JHoPS is an unparalleled opportunity for Pacific heads of security from more than 20 jurisdictions to connect and develop practical, Pacific-led operational responses to shared regional security challenges," the agencies said.

"Leaders will reiterate the vital importance of collective action and cooperation in response to regional challenges including natural disasters and maritime law enforcement, and the need for improved interoperability between nations.

"The forum shows how we are more effective in responding to common challenges when we work together."

Chief of the Australian Defence Force, Admiral David Johnston AC RAN, said, “Connecting with my Pacific counterparts is an important way to bolster the security of our shared region. To me, the spirit of JHoPS encapsulates the Pacific way; we coordinate in an open and respectful manner to develop and advance Pacific-led solutions to Pacific security challenges.

“A key enabler of our collective capacity is the strength of our relationships. Australia remains committed to working with our partners to advance practical security cooperation in support of a secure and resilient region.”

AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw said JHoPS offered an opportunity to harness security expertise from across the Pacific.

​“The AFP is committed to strengthening security capability in the Pacific by sharing resources and knowledge with our regional partners,” Commissioner Kershaw said.

​“By working together we can collectively identify security priorities in the Pacific and discuss the best ways to respond to them.”

​Australian Border Force Commissioner Michael Outram, who will chair JHoPS 2024, said the meeting will be an excellent opportunity for customs and immigration agencies from across the region to discuss their mutual interests in ensuring a safe and prosperous Pacific.

​“This type of close cooperation and information exchange between our Pacific partners is incredibly valuable, and helps us all to successfully respond to security threats,” Commissioner Outram said.

The next JHoPS meeting will take place in Papua New Guinea in March 2025.



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