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Melbourne hearing for inquiry into improving the economic self-determination for First Nations Australians

THE Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs will hold a public hearing in Melbourne on July 19 for the inquiry into improving the economic prosperity for First Nations Australians.

The committee is looking forward to hearing firsthand from Victoria’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations at the forefront of business enterprise, about the barriers to and opportunities for economic development for First Nations people.

The committee will discuss the latest research from the Dilin Duwa–Centre for Indigenous Business Leadership and the University of Melbourne about the enormous contribution of Indigenous businesses to the Australian economy and job creation in local communities.

Other First Nations organisations will provide insights into opportunities offered by Treaty and renewable energy projects for boosting the First Nations workforce and unlocking economic potential.

Chair of the committee, Mutthi Mutthi and Wamba Wamba woman Senator Jana Stewart, said, "Blak-owned organisations in Victoria are at the cutting edge of creating economic prosperity in their communities. It is critical that we examine their knowledge and insights about the pathway to economic independence and long-term wealth creation."

Further information on the inquiry, including the program for the public hearing at the Legislative Council Committee Room, Parliament of Victoria on Friday July 19 is available on the Committee’s website.

