Master Builders statement on Federal Government and Fair Work actions re CFMEU

MASTER BUILDERS Australia has welcomed today’s announcement that the Fair Work Commission is seeking advice on making an application to appoint an independent administrator to oversee the CFMEU.

The announcement is a significant move in addressing a range of serious allegations against the CFMEU while ensuring workers retain access to workplace representation if they choose.

According to Master Builders' official statment, "It is also an important first step towards stamping out the toxic and ingrained culture within building unions of bullying, thuggery, and complete disregard for the law. 

"We also appreciate Minister (Tony) Burke’s commitment to support the application and to introduce legislation in the next sitting period should there be any legislative barriers to appointing an administrator.

"We welcome the Federal Government’s announcement of a Fair Work Ombudsman investigation into CFMEU Victorian EBAs on Big Build projects, a review through procurement powers into whether CFMEU EBAs on government projects were genuinely agreed to, and a request for an AFP investigation working alongside state jurisdictions to investigate the recent claims and any criminal breaches.

"This culture has existed for decades and has stifled productivity and increased the cost of construction at the expense of the community, taxpayers, jobs and small business.

"All levers need to be pulled to ensure these investigations are well-resourced, thorough and have the full powers available to them.

"Master Builders will continue to work with the Federal Government about taking a holistic urgent approach to this issue, including an ACCC investigation.

It has been extensively documented in four Royal Commissions, dozens of inquiries and reviews, and hundreds of court judgements. The time for talking is over - what we need now is real action to fix this problem once and for all.

"More action will still be needed to hold recidivist officials accountable, and a strong building regulator must be reinstated.

"We urge all political parties to set politics aside and work together to ensure the passage of legislation to remove any barriers to the investigations."



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