Diabetes in Australia in 2024 - Parliamentary Enquiry reports

HAVING COMPLETED a year-long inquiry that generated almost 500 written submissions, the House Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport today tabled an important report on the state of diabetes mellitus in Australia.

Committee Chair, Mike Freelander MP said, "In Australia, approximately 1.5 million people – some five percent of the population – are known to live with a form of diabetes. In addition, it is expected that the number of Australians diagnosed with the condition will continue to rise. The nation faces what has throughout the inquiry been referred to as a diabetes epidemic."

According to Dr Freelander, the fundamental aim of the committee’s report was to improve health outcomes for Australians affected by all forms of diabetes. By placing particular emphasis on prevention, the committee is also seeking to raise awareness of major risk factors associated with the disease, such as obesity.

"Throughout the inquiry, the committee heard about ways the Australian Government can improve access to new diabetes technology and life-saving medications for people living with different forms of diabetes," Dr Freeelander said.

"There are also many ways that we can support Australians to prevent, delay the onset of and better manage this condition. This report seeks to improve health outcomes for patients living with all forms of diabetes and obesity, and reduce the burden of chronic disease on Australia’s health care system."

The committee made 23 recommendations aimed at strengthening the government’s response to diabetes and obesity.

In addition to the written submissions received, the committee held 15 days of public hearings attended by individuals, organisations and government bodies all of whom provided valuable input for the inquiry. The committee has expressed "its sincere thanks to all those who provided written submissions or appeared before a hearing".

The committee said it was "particularly appreciative of the time taken by the many people who, despite being personally impacted by diabetes, went to considerable effort to contribute to the inquiry".

The report and further information about the committee can be found on its website.



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