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Public Works reports on proposed ADFA accommodation and five other works

THE Chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public WorksGraham Perrett MP, presented the fifth Public Works Committee Report of 2024 to the House of Representatives on July 1.

This report considers six proposals referred to the Committee between November 2023 and March 2024 with a combined value of more than $2.1 billion. One of the projects, to demolish and replace living-in accommodation at ADFA, makes up half of the combined value at just over one billion dollars.

The committee’s report noted that the ADFA accommodation was no longer fit for purpose and needed replacement. However, the report recommended that Defence improve the proposal by working with the National Capital Authority to increase the height of each building, install electric vehicle chargers, and consider design changes to reduce operating costs.

Although Defence stated that the re-design would assist in reducing incidents of unacceptable behaviour, the committee expected Defence to improve behaviour through social education and fostering cultural change and not rely on an improved building layout.

This project was referred to the committee at an early design stage and has not yet received National Capital Authority approval. The committee has recommended that Defence always refer any future projects at a design level of 50 percent or greater to prevent major design changes from occurring during the inquiry process.  

Mr Perret MP said, "There is a clear need to provide fit-for-purpose accommodation for ADFA trainees to maintain the capability of the ADF."

Report 5 / 2024 also recommended that the following projects be approved:

  • Parks Australia — Mutitjulu Essential Services project;
  • Department of Veterans’ Affairs — Proposed Fit-out of New Leased Premises at 18 Marcus Clarke Street, Canberra;
  • Department of Finance – Proposed Fit-out of New Commonwealth Parliament Offices, Perth, Western Australia;
  • Department of Defence — Albury Wodonga Military Area Redevelopment project;
  • Department of Defence —RAAF Base Wagga Redevelopment Project.

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