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New inquiry – Ending Live Sheep Export Bill

THE House Standing Committee on Agriculture has today commenced an inquiry into the Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024, which will end the live sheep export trade by sea from May 1, 2028.

Committee Chair, Meryl Swanson MP, said the Bill fulfilled the government’s election promise to end the live export of sheep while providing time and funding for industry to adjust to the end of the trade.

The committee will examine the provisions of the Bill and its application to the live sheep export trade, especially in Western Australia. This includes the end of live sheep exports by sea and authority for Commonwealth spending to assist sheep farmers, businesses and communities to prepare and adapt.

The committee will hold two public hearings for the inquiry in Canberra on June 12 and in Muresk, Western Australia on June 14, 2024.

“There are a range of views on this issue. The committee is looking forward to meeting and talking with stakeholders in Western Australia,” Ms Swanson said.

“The public hearing in Muresk will provide an opportunity for the Committee to meet those most affected. Anyone who would like to share their views on the Bill can engage with the committee in a number of ways including by making a written submission, or attending a public hearing where the Committee plans to hold a community statements session.”

Stakeholders are encouraged to contact the secretariat as soon as possible to register your interest. Submissions to the inquiry will be open until  June 11, 2024.

Further information about this inquiry, including how to make a submission can be found on the Committee’s website.

