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Who will drive the future of business - experience or youth? National Small Business Summit to uncover the truth about Gen-Y and Baby Boomers

WHO is leading the way when it comes to business innovation and growth in Australia? Many would be led to believe it’s tech-savvy, Gen-Y with all their mobile apps, while others suggest it’s the Baby Boomer generation, driven by the need to fund their retirement.

Robert Gerrish, Founder of Flying Solo; an online solo and micro business community, and Michael McQueen, social researcher, author and international speaker are set to reveal the real role that both generations actually play in business today at the National Small Business Summit (NSBS) in Melbourne on 7 -8 August.

Robert Gerrish will deliver his presentation, titled: Productivity in Baby Boomers, aiming to debunk the perceptions of today's start-up entrepreneurs and change views of the worn out, Aussie-battler who works night and day from the third bedroom.

“Today’s small business entrepreneurs are not all mac book wielding, bearded, single-speed cyclists! My presentation is filled with tales of nudity and mischief, giving a new perspective on today's over 50s as well as a fresh new way to measure productivity,” Mr Gerrish said.

Meanwhile, Michael McQueen’s keynote presentation will explore the lies that we have been told about Gen Y and some of the key challenges that the older generation face in communicating with, leading and working with today’s youth.

“Summit attendees will leave my presentation with powerful insights into what’s really shaping Gen Y, along with practical strategies for engaging, motivating and equipping them in meaningful ways,” Mr McQueen commented.

The 12th annual NSBS hosted by the Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA) provides a platform for small business representatives, senior politicians, bureaucrats and big business representatives to exchange ideas, opinions and experiences aimed to drive change and build productivity across the small business sector.

This year, the Summit has attracted yet another great line-up of high-profile speakers and attendees, also including Yasmin King, CEO of Service Skills Australia, Dr Cassandra Goldie, CEO of Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS) and David Bates, Managing Director of Workforce Guardian.

While COSBOA is focussed on key issues such as workplace relations; the collection of superannuation; contract law and competition policies, these exciting and passionate speakers provide specialist insights and information covering a diverse and comprehensive range of small business subjects.  

About the speakers:

Robert Gerrish is the founder of Flying Solo, an online solo and micro business community, boasting a membership of over 65,000 Australian businesses. Each day their site, online forums and social networks welcome over 5,000 visitors, and around the country Flying Solo meet-up groups gather to share ideas and strategies.

Robert is a business commentator and author of bestselling book, Flying Solo: How to go it alone in business. Flying Solo’s biannual audience survey explores trends, challenges and activities of the Australian micro business sector. Flying Solo works closely with State and Federal Government in support of their small business activities and programs. 

Michael McQueen is a leading specialist in demographic shifts, change management and future trends. In 2004 Michael founded a consultancy specializing in demographic shifts and social trends called The Nexgen Group.

A social researcher and bestselling author, Michael’s first book The ‘New’ Rules of Engagement was the culmination of a 3-year study of the key drivers of youth culture around the world, with an emphasis on the values and attitudes of Generation Y.

Michael’s latest book Winning the Battle for Relevance explores why even the greatest businesses and institutions become obsolete and how others can avoid their fate.

As a speaker, Michael has shared the stage with some of the biggest names including Bill Gates, Whoopi Goldberg and Larry King.

About COSBOA & the National Small Business Summit:


  1. The Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA) was founded in 1979 and was incorporated in 1985.
  2. COSBOA is Australia’s peak body exclusively representing the interests of small businesses.
  3. The 2014 National Small Business Summit will be held at the Crown Conference Centre Melbourne on August 7th and 8th.
  4. The National Small Business Summit provides the small business sector with the opportunity to discuss and identify relevant issues, promote innovation and generate ideas to stimulate growth within the industry.
  5. For more information about the summit visit:
  6. For more information on COSBOA visit:
  7. Interviews with Peter Strong, Chief Executive are available upon request.
  8. COSBOA is a long-time advocate of small business on issues from taxation and workplace relations, through to competition law and retail tenancy.
  9. The goals of COSBOA are to promote and support the development of small businesses in Australia and the council recognises that it is a national imperative for Australia that the needs of small business are on the national policy agenda.
  10. Connect and follow via social media:
