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Audit Committee tables Annual Report 2022-23

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit today tabled its Annual Report for 2022-23.

Committee Chair, Julian Hill MP, said, “Annual Reports obviously are very exciting, and tabling one in the parliament is both a delight and an annual statutory obligation of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit.”

This report outlines the work the committee has undertaken in 2022–23 in accordance with its responsibilities under the Public Accounts and Audit Committee Act 1951 and other relevant legislation.

The committee is an important part of the Parliament's effort to provide oversight and transparency to the work of Australian Government agencies.

The committee reviews all reports of the Australian National Audit Office and conducts inquiries where it identifies issues requiring further consideration. It determines the audit priorities of the Parliament and makes recommendations to Government on the budget estimates of the Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office.

In 2022–23 the committee met 29 times and held 18 public hearings. It commenced eight inquiries and presented five reports. It also considered the budget estimates of the Audit Office and the Parliamentary Budget Office for the 2023–24 budget.

The committee’s inquiries examined a broad range of topics, including Foreign Affairs and Trade’s crisis management arrangements; Commonwealth procurement, administration of Commonwealth grants; the 2021–22 Commonwealth financial statements; and Defence major projects.

Mr Hill said, “I would like to thank those who were members of the committee in 2022–23 for the spirit in which they approached the committee's work and the dedication they applied to it.

“Finally, the committee secretariat deserve lashings of praise for the outstanding quality of the work they do and their professionalism. This includes the staff of the Parliament and the highly valued secondees from the Australian National Audit Office.”

The report and further information about the committee is available on the Committee website.

