Final hearing of parliamentary women and children’s rights inquiry to focus on practical solutions

ADDRESSING human rights violations with practical and measurable solutions will be the focus of the Human Rights Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (JSCFADT) during its public hearing on Friday,  August 11, in Australian Parliament House.

The subcommittee’s final hearing for the Inquiry into the Rights of Women and Children will discuss potential measures to improve the human rights of women and children globally with stakeholders such as non-government organisations and Australian Government agencies.

Chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee, Maria Vamvakinou MP, Member for Calwell, said, "Throughout this inquiry, the subcommittee has heard evidence about the types and scale of harm being perpetrated against women and children globally. Our final hearing will focus on how the Australian Government can make a practical and measurable difference to the lives of women and children. My fellow subcommittee members and I look forward to discussing potential pathways forward with key stakeholders and experts.”

The subcommittee may accept submissions until the final report is tabled in the Parliament. Submissions containing graphic material will not be accepted to the inquiry. Submissions should be lodged online using a My Parliament account.

Further information in relation to the inquiry is available from the JSCFADT’s website.

Hearing details

Time:            1.30pm to 5pm (AEST)Venue:         Committee Room 2R1, Australian Parliament House, CanberraWitnesses: Save the Children                        Associate Professor Hannah McGlade                        Harmony Alliance (Social Policy Group)                        Australian Human Rights Commission                        Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade




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