Audit Committee to examine policy and program design effectiveness - new enquiry

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit has launched a new inquiry into the effectiveness of policy and program planning, design and implementation in meeting government objectives.

This inquiry will consider the issues captured in six recent reports of the Auditor-General that have evaluated different policies and programs delivered by a variety of Commonwealth agencies:

  • No. 6 (2022-23) Implementation of the Export Control Legislative Framework, particularly chapter 4 on performance monitoring and reporting
  • No. 10 (2022-23) Expansion of Telehealth Services
  • No. 16 (2022-23) Management of Migration to Australia — Family Migration Program
  • No. 17 (2022-23) Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s cultural reform
  • No. 39 (2022–23) Implementation of the government response to the Black Economy Taskforce
  • No.42 (2022–23) Access and Participation Programs for Regional and Remote Students.

The terms of reference for the inquiry can be found at the inquiry website.

Committee Chair, Julian Hill MP, said, "Policy development and program design are core business for the Australian Public Service (APS) in fulfilling its role in advising Ministers and governments and implementing new laws and policies.

“The APS does some terrific work in policy development but there are clearly areas for improvement. The committee invites submissions from anyone with an interest in how policy formulation and implementation can be improved.

“This inquiry is also timely given the increasing complexity of the challenges that Australian policymakers are grappling with. The committee looks forward to having robust discussions with a range of Commonwealth entities and experts.”

The committee invites submissions to the inquiry addressing the terms of reference to be received by Friday, September 22, 2023.

Details of the inquiry including upcoming public hearings will be made available on the inquiry website.



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