Treaties Committee considered WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement

THE Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT) held a public hearing yesterday into the Protocol Amending the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization: Fisheries Subsidies Agreement.

Committee Chair, Josh Wilson MP said, “The proposed Agreement is important in ensuring global food security and protecting livelihoods. The Agreement contributes to ocean sustainability and addresses the decline of global marine capture fisheries resources.”

The Agreement prohibits the granting or maintaining of subsidies for vessels engaged in Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing, subsidies for fishing or fishing related activities regarding an overfished stock, and subsidies for fishing or fishing related activities in the unregulated high seas.

Mr Wilson said, “The Agreement provides for targeted technical assistance and capacity building for developing country members which is important in ensuring that all members can meet the requirements of the Agreement.”

The committee heard from officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and other stakeholders.

The hearing was able to be accessed online and details are available on the Committee website, along with further information about the inquiry.



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