Treaties Committee to consider Australia-Serbia Social Security Agreement

THE Joint Standing Committee on Treaties will hold a public hearing today into the agreement between Australia and the Republic of Serbia on Social Security.

Committee Chair, Josh Wilson MP said, "A social security agreement provides for two countries to share responsibility for paying social security benefits to people who move between countries."

People who move between countries may not make contributions to a social insurance scheme ordinarily sufficient to receive a benefit, or may not satisfy residence requirements for a benefit. Additionally, even when a person may otherwise meet the requirements for a benefit, some countries will only pay benefits to citizens or residents, or reduce the rate of payments to non-residents.

Social security agreements require the payment of a benefit in the other country on a non‑discriminatory basis; specify alternative means by which a person may satisfy residence or contribution requirements to qualify for a benefit; and establish a method for calculating the rate of payment.

Mr Wilson said, "Australia currently has social security agreements with 31 countries. The committee looks forward to examining the provisions of this treaty and hearing from witnesses as to its potential benefits."

The committee will take evidence from officials from the Department of Social Services, the Treasury, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Public hearing details

Date: Thursday 6 July 2023Time:  3.30pmLocation: Committee Room 1R3 and by videoconference

The hearing can be viewed on the APH website and the program for this hearing is available on the Committee website, along with further information about the inquiry.



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