Committee recommends significant changes to electoral system

THE Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters has released its interim report into the 2022 Federal Election, and has recommended significant reforms to Australia’s electoral system.

Committee Chair Kate Thwaites MP said, "Australians are rightly proud of our electoral system, but it is important that we continue make sure that it is trusted, relevant and fit for purpose.

"The evidence we have heard has allowed the committee to develop clear goals for reform: to increase transparency in election donations and curb the influence of big money, to build the public’s trust in electoral and political processes, and to encourage participation in our elections."

The report makes 15 recommendations, focused on three main topics: political donations and electoral expenditure, truth in political advertising and encouraging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in elections.

The committee continues its work on its inquiry into the 2022 election, with further hearings scheduled for Friday June 23 and two days in the Northern Territory next week. The final report is scheduled for release later this year.

Further information about the inquiry, including published submissions and hearing transcripts, is available on the inquiry webpage.



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