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Committee to hear evidence on increased gender violence and human rights breaches

THE Human Rights Subcommittee of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (JSCFADT) will speak to key charitable and human rights organisations about trends in relation to human rights violations against women and children in a public hearing to be held in Melbourne CBD on Wednesday, June 7.

Ms Maria Vamvakinou MP, Member for Calwell and Chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee, said, “The Subcommittee has heard evidence of a range of human rights abuses being perpetrated against women and children across the globe. This public hearing will focus on delving further into these issues, identifying the root causes of gendered violence, and considering how best to move forward in the pursuit of gender equality and protecting the rights of the child.”

The Subcommittee will finalise its hearing program soon and move towards the preparation of its report. Submissions to the inquiry were due by Friday, December 16, 2022; however, late submissions may be considered. Submissions containing graphic material will not be accepted to the inquiry. Submissions should be lodged online using a My Parliament account.

Further information in relation to the inquiry is available from the JSCFADT’s website.

Hearing details

Time: 10.15am to 4.45pm (AEST)

Venue: Seminar Room 2 & 3, Level 7, Monash Conference Centre, 30 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Witnesses:Australian Red CrossPlan International AustraliaUniting Church of Australia                       Iranian Women’s Association     CBM Australia & The Australian Disability and Development ConsortiumInternational Women’s Development AgencyMonash University & Eleos Justice

