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Audit Committee to examine ‘Watt Review’ procurements related to Synergy 360 activities

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA) has initiated a new inquiry to examine the findings of the Watt review into procurement at Services Australia and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

The inquiry will focus on the matters contained in or related to the Independent Review of Services Australia and NDIA Procurement and Contracting (the Watt Review) arising from media reports concerning the activities of government advisory firm Synergy 360.

The issues raised by the Watt Review were being considered as part of the current inquiry into Commonwealth procurement, but following initial hearings the Chair of the Committee, Julian Hill MP, said, "The revelations from the initial public hearings raised serious concerns regarding the expenditure of public funds in the NDIA and Services Australia under the previous government, as well as the conduct of parties associated with these procurements,” Mr Hill said.

“The committee concluded that these issues warrant examination in a fresh inquiry to properly explore the serious issues.

“In the interests of transparency the committee has also released a trove of emails referred to in public hearings that fuelled the media reports that led to the Watt Review.”

The new inquiry will have access to all evidence and materials received during the course of the previous inquiry.

The committee has invited submissions from interested parties by June 6, 2023.

Further information is available on the inquiry website.

