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Public hearing held featuring experts on foreign influence laws

THE Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security heard evidence yesterday from a range of expert witnesses for the Review of the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act 2018.

The committee heard from a range of witnesses, including former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull AC, Katherine Mansted from the ANU Security College, Alex Joske, and Australian universities and higher education representative bodies. The committee also heard from key government agencies: ASIO, the Department of Home Affairs and the Attorney-General’s Department.

“The Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme (FITS) is the first pillar of sunlight in Australia’s framework for countering foreign interference," PJCIS Chair Peter Khalil MP said.

"The FITS allows for public scrutiny of legitimate influence activities that foreign governments or entities might be conducting in Australia, or through the activities of Australians. 

“The committee has received mixed evidence regarding the operation, effectiveness and implications of the scheme since it commenced in 2018. This public hearing [allowed] the PJCIS to hear from affected entities, as well as expert witnesses regarding the grey area that exists between foreign influence and foreign interference, and whether the FITS is operating as the transparency spotlight it is intended to be.

"The committee will then test that evidence with the Attorney-General’s Department as the Department that administers the FITS.” Mr Khalil said.

Further information on the review and the FITS Act can be obtained from the Committee’s website.

