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Review supports passage of Referendum legislation

THE Parliament’s Electoral Matters Committee has recommended that the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Amendment Bill 2022 be passed, if amendments are made to strengthen enfranchisement and participation in the referendum, particularly of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and clear, factual and impartial information is made accessible to all voters.

Tabling the report last week, Committee Chair Kate Thwaites MP said the inquiry and the legislation were focused on technical aspects of conducting a referendum.

"Above all, the legislation intends to modernise the referendum process and bring it into line with how recent federal elections have been conducted," Ms Thwaites said.

The committee recommended that the legislation be passed, but also that:

  • The Government consider any amendments to support increased enrolment and participation in the referendum, particularly of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including in remote communities.
  • The Government consider any amendments which ensure ​
    • clear, factual and impartial information is made accessible to all voters as part of the referendum process; and
    • clear, factual and impartial information is provided in appropriate formats for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voters, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Read the full report link.
